Replying to your questions! 🫵🏼🧶🔥

  • Опубликовано: 24 мар 2025
  • Today I'm scrolling through recent comments and answering your questions. Enjoy!
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Комментарии • 181

    @WOOLNEEDLESHANDS  17 дней назад +9

    Today I'm scrolling through recent comments and answering your questions. Enjoy!
    Watch the Patreon After Show for this episode:
    Info I shared about recycled cashmere:
    The Little Black Tee:
    My Madewell Joslin Sweater on Poshmark:

    • @julietpage4322
      @julietpage4322 16 дней назад

      Taylor, Thanks for all your binge worthy videos! 🎉 On one of them you mentioned a video about picking sweater styles for different body shapes. ❤ I’ve not been able to figure out which one that is. But I think I really need to watch it! Thank you for any leads or hints. 😊

  • @tomicheney6362
    @tomicheney6362 17 дней назад +40

    Well done answering snarky questions! Way to keep it so classy as per usual! Love your content! 👏👏👏👏

      @WOOLNEEDLESHANDS  17 дней назад +6

      You are too kind! Thank you so much. 😘

    • @not2old2bcrafty
      @not2old2bcrafty 16 дней назад

      She reflects what most of us are feeling and thinking. ❤

  • @gracecoffeeandchaos.3446
    @gracecoffeeandchaos.3446 17 дней назад +5

    It just proves that you're imperfect, and perfection isn't achievable, but being relatable absolutely is, and you definitely are relatable. I love your videos.

  • @michellepissk-schupak5440
    @michellepissk-schupak5440 17 дней назад +4

    I taught elementary school children and hated when people tried to label children that had different learning styles. To classify/label people seems to be defining a perfect person and if you do not fit in that definition, we have to find another definition for the outliers. Everyone is different and there are no ideal styles. We were taught in my wonderful teaching program and I never forgot this; if a child does not learn the way we teach, we better teach the way a child can learn. I hope that school and your son's teachers will not destroy your his spirit. Your videos are great and I love that you do not let the negative comments get to you.

      @WOOLNEEDLESHANDS  16 дней назад

      @@michellepissk-schupak5440 as a former 4th grade teacher (and GATE teacher) I absolutely echo your sentiment here Michelle. Not all who daydream or who have over active imaginations are classifiable as anything other than just…unique or different (and sometimes not even that). And what you say about ‘teaching the way a child learns’ resonates so much with me. I studied individualized and targeted teaching models for high achieving students and this mindset is so important for teachers. Cheers to the teachers in the world (and you, Michelle). ❤️

  • @kbjazzfan
    @kbjazzfan 17 дней назад +7

    English teacher here. The reason "casted" is wrong is because "cast" as a verb is irregular, and its past tense conjugation is the same as its present tense form. "Regular" verbs form the past tense by adding -ed, but "irregular" verbs don't follow that rule (e.g., we don't say "I goed to the yarn store," we say "I went to the yarn store" because "to go" is irregular. Similarly, we don't say "the die was casted." We say "the die was cast." Same with knitting: "I cast on a project yesterday, I will cast on a new project tomorrow, I love to cast on projects." :D That being said, I think we all know what people mean when they say "I casted on" and I don't think its really worth making a huge deal about (even though it definitely makes my ears hurt), but it's not as egregious as if we started saying "I goed to the yarn store."

    • @AlmaPitchford
      @AlmaPitchford 17 дней назад +2

      Linguistics nerd also weighing in... I found it fascinating that "casted" was cited as an adjective and I did further searching. The word "casted" only has one recorded historical use, by Shakespeare, in 1610. Shakespeare was Seuss-level at constructing words without losing comprehension.
      Because the verb cast (when the borrowing happened, "kasta" meant to throw) has Nordic origins, that borrowing is likely a large reason for the irregular structure. (I'd also speculate that, since throwing is an act that doesn't take much time, the past tense was just used more).

  • @AnitaBechtel
    @AnitaBechtel 17 дней назад +3

    You have way more patience than I do. You're a gem!

  • @ThreeKidsNMe
    @ThreeKidsNMe 15 дней назад +6

    "It happens because HUMAN! k? Human," Love you Tayler! Come one people, releax a little! lol

  • @Purpleelephant13
    @Purpleelephant13 17 дней назад +6

    The question about the madewell sweater made me think of a video idea! I love seeing a piece of knitwear in store/online and searching for a pattern on Ravelry to make something as close to the original as possible - I would totally watch a video like that

  • @G.L.McCarthy-vr1oe
    @G.L.McCarthy-vr1oe 16 дней назад +5

    Even though the word was misspelled, everyone, absolutely EVERYONE understood your meaning😏

  • @NatalieMcCollam
    @NatalieMcCollam 15 дней назад +4

    5:22 100% agree that neurodivergent is a helpful label. As a neurodiversity/disability affirming counselor, when I hear people talk about labels not being helpful, I want to encourage them to dig a little deeper into that, as it’s often labels we socially stigmatize that we are opposed to. Most people are fine with labeling themselves as parents, knitters, soccer players, students, a particular gender and national identity, ect. However, the labels we don’t like often relate to marginalized ways of being in the world, such as autistic or fat. Meanwhile, a label can be incredibly helpful for accessing care, coming up with strategies to navigate the world, and, most importantly to me, finding community. So, with lots of compassion, if there are labels any of us find uncomfortable, I highly encourage us to slow down and ask ourselves why. What stigma does that group face that we can do something about? How is it hard to be that type of person in the world? What is making us uncomfortable about that particular label?
    Thanks so much for talking about neurodiversity and finding ways to support the ND members of your family instead of changing them. It’s such important work. 😊

    • @NatalieMcCollam
      @NatalieMcCollam 15 дней назад

      23:30 lol that was trippy. Just watching along and then, “Hey! That me!” 😂 thanks for answering my question. This sweater is so cute. I can’t wait to make it!

      @WOOLNEEDLESHANDS  15 дней назад +1

      This is so true and I’m glad you included it here Natalie. I think what you’re saying is exactly why I sometimes feel…iffy about labels. I really appreciate your perspective here. ❤️

  • @mimipatten3598
    @mimipatten3598 2 дня назад

    You’re just fabulous! Anyone that leaves a comment that is anything but kind or encouraging clearly has their own crud to unpack. People are strange. Many thanks for your time and content

  • @DrDroog29
    @DrDroog29 17 дней назад +3

    Just want to say thank you for your enthusiasm and your commitment to this channel. You’re so engaging, cool, and you have the most clear and informative videos! We all look forward to your videos. You are the RUclipsr that got me into knitting!

      @WOOLNEEDLESHANDS  17 дней назад

      That is so kind of you to say. I'm truly grateful for your support! 💕

  • @kellyfindshouses
    @kellyfindshouses 16 дней назад +3

    You're so good and being kind and spicy at the same time. Your neuro-divergent flavor is the same as mine. I prefer to think that I get where I need to go but I take the scenic route. 😂. Love your videos and you're just a delightful person. Thank you for sharing.

  • @fulfordmg
    @fulfordmg 17 дней назад +2

    Great last comment!!! Pretentiousness comes in all shapes and sizes. I appreciate you oh so much.

  • @Michele.Stitches
    @Michele.Stitches 13 дней назад +6

    I think I can shed a little light on WHY hearing “casted” sets some folks’ teeth on edge: When you say, “Today I cast on a sweater,” you are using the word “cast” as a VERB. Regular English verbs add an “ed” to form the past tense. (Example: Today I walk. Yesterday I walked.) However, “cast” is an irregular verb, and the proper past-tense of “cast” (per the dictionary) is “cast.” Therefore, you should say “Yesterday I cast on a sweater.” Saying “casted” in past tense would be (grammatically speaking) like saying, “Yesterday I cutted my hair.” To clarify even further, the article you mentioned specified that in Shakespearean times “casted” was used as an ADJECTIVE, (not a verb.) That means it was used to describe (or modify) a noun. So even back then, “casted” was not used as a past-tense verb. PLEASE NOTE: This comment is for information purposes only. I submit this all in good fun. I am not an officer in the Grammar Police. You can say “casted” all you want to if it makes you happy! (With complete understanding that it is poor grammar. 😂 😆 🤣)

    • @JaimeP1208
      @JaimeP1208 10 дней назад +1

      It’s certainly not as annoying as another content creator who says ‘crochet acrossed to the end’. Sets my teeth on edge.

  • @VittoriaVetra88
    @VittoriaVetra88 17 дней назад +6

    Take away on the gauge topic. Put in more typos to get more engagement with everyone commenting 😆

  • @shelleymisenheimer6515
    @shelleymisenheimer6515 16 дней назад +1

    Thank you so much Taylor! I love how much effort you put into researching your topics. I also loved your calm, even-tempered responses to all the comments.

  • @heleneryde
    @heleneryde 16 дней назад +1

    Oh sweet pea❤️❤️❤️ We all make mistakes and misspelling is really not the worst thing❤️ Sending lots of love 💕
    Love your videos and thank you for all the positivity you bring to my world ❤️
    Lots of hugs from Copenhagen

  • @theslippedknotSE
    @theslippedknotSE 16 дней назад +2

    on the plus side, the comments screaming about "gauge" helps engagement 😂

  • @jo-annefalconer6280
    @jo-annefalconer6280 17 дней назад +1

    Love it all last 5 minutes, especially fun.

  • @emilycreager2269
    @emilycreager2269 16 дней назад +2

    I learned the difference in yarn content the hard way... I had a pattern that called for merino. I wanted to make a summer sweater, so I used a cotton/viscose blend. I did a swatch, but since there wasn't the weight pulling on it from a whole sweater. I didn't know how horribly this would go. It fits me and my husband and possibly my toddler... At the same time...
    One of these days, I want to frog it and re-knit it about 4 sizes smaller in the same yarn.

  • @patternandcraft
    @patternandcraft 13 дней назад +1

    I love that you don’t subscribe to any particular labels other than neurodivergent! Maybe I should start doing that- my friends with ADHD all assume I also have it but a few traits don’t quite resonate. Hyperfocus is my favorite ND super power because I can learn nearly everything about a particular subject in a very short period of time- it only took me maybe 4 months to go from never having touched a knitting needle to knitting quite capably, learning many stitches including cables and brioche, and even designing my own patterns.

  • @KatieIbsen
    @KatieIbsen 16 дней назад +3

    About the ND convo - I like to use the terms neurodiverse AND neurodivergent. The idea that we are all on a spectrum is the idea of neurodiverse. We are all neurodiverse bc every brain is different. But not everyone is neurodivergent. Neurodivergence is a socio-political label/identity that addresses a lived experience that is so divergent from an accepted norm that it causes disruptions to someone’s life, regardless of what the root cause is. Additionally, I get not liking the term disorder, but under the system we operate in, getting a diagnosis/label does create access to potentially life saving medication if that’s the path for you - something important to consider when neurodivergent is an umbrella label for everything from autism, adhd, ocd, ptsd, etc., some of which are conditions that can be significantly improved with medication and appropriate therapies.
    I would recommend looking up The Lived Experience Educator for more on this neurodiverse/neurodivergent convo!

    • @16stellarstars
      @16stellarstars 14 дней назад

      My ASD diagnosis really helped me access accommodations that I otherwise wouldn’t have received. I got so much push back from educators not wanting to provide accommodations because I didn’t “seem” autistic to them. Having the diagnosis and documentation made all the difference in actually getting them to provide what I needed.

  • @thegrynne
    @thegrynne 17 дней назад +2

    When you look at the mechanical process of recycling wool or cashmere to produce new yarn, it's hard to see how the result could be more pill-resistant than the input you feed in. Recycling involves recarding the "waste" wool-basically chopping it up and brushing it out to separate the fibres, and usually you have to add in a % of "new" wool to give the recycled fibre more strength and consistency pre-spinning, because all the additional processing will have created more breakage in the wool staples. If what you're recycling is very high quality, long-stapled cashmere, what you'll get out is slightly lower quality cashmere, but it's all relative to what you started out with.

  • @jacquelynsmith2351
    @jacquelynsmith2351 17 дней назад +2

    The protein vs cellulose fiber question reminds me, my sister and I both have the pattern for a cable afghan. She told me that she bought a cotton yarn specifically for it, and I told her it'd look completely different than the pattern pictures. She was very upset since it was the same weight as the pattern yarn (a 100% wool yarn). She asked if I was sure, and yes, I am sure that cotton works up completely different than wool. Then she showed me her 100% cotton and dudes... it's a cotton/synthetic BLEND! I almost slapped her upside the head. It'll work up so similarly that no one can tell from more than a few feet away.

  • @Barbara-zv1wi
    @Barbara-zv1wi 17 дней назад +2

    Great video and fab answers to correcting comments, such grace…in nursing school LONG ago, I wrote a 30 page paper about alcoholic liver disease - spelling alcohol wrong throughout! Every-Single-Alcohol was circled in red 🤦🏻‍♀️ but only two of us knew. No public forums back then until now as I expose my little secret 😂
    Here’s a video idea - how about all the hilarious comments people post?

  • @MariannePerello
    @MariannePerello 14 дней назад +1

    Thank you so much for answering my question about the hat pattern. I love watching your videos. You are an inspiration! 🧶

      @WOOLNEEDLESHANDS  14 дней назад +1

      It’s my pleasure Marianne! Thank you so much for watching. ❤️

  • @dianatheriault2913
    @dianatheriault2913 День назад

    Me, too with the mohair. I now knit with suri alpaca which doesn't both my skin! Give it a try! The hat is sweet!

  • @Zara.die.zauberin
    @Zara.die.zauberin 17 дней назад +1

    I appreciate your approach to neurodivergency, it's refreshing to hear when it seems like society just wants us to pathologize ourselves instead

  • @helenyoung41
    @helenyoung41 14 дней назад +1

    Gauge, like going, mean, people etc etc is one of those words that I know full well the spelling of, but between my fingers, enthusiasm and neurodivergence, gets mangled with alarming frequency.
    I’ve given up caring.
    I’m glad those people who really get het up about it have so much energy to spare though, good for them!

  • @16stellarstars
    @16stellarstars 14 дней назад

    For the baggy hat 1:47, you could add a lining to the inner edge so it doesn’t irritate your forehead anymore. I have a store bought beanie that uses some felt like material and it actually feels pretty nice!

  • @CynthiaSchmidt-i7j
    @CynthiaSchmidt-i7j 16 дней назад +1

    Fun video. Thank you for re addressing pilling yarn

  • @jenniferjohnson9335
    @jenniferjohnson9335 9 дней назад +1

    Do I see misspellings? Hear misproununciations? Sure. Do I say anything? Nah. You're human. Heck, I work in the medical field and the drug medications will trip up ANYONE. So, go do you, I love your podcasts and will continue to watch. Thanks for sharing!

  • @lornastewart4224
    @lornastewart4224 16 дней назад +1

    Some people can be quite personal with their comments. I love how calm you were and especially as you is a Human....😅

  • @smasonoc
    @smasonoc 17 дней назад +5

    Love the spicy! Some people just feel the need to correct everyone. I don’t get it. I learn so much from your videos that a misspelling seems so trivial.
    Do you keep a knitting journal? I keep lots of information in Ravelry, but I just started a handwritten journal with a sketch of my finished garment. I write the measurements of every part of the garment on the sketch before and after blocking, which has been so valuable. I can use that info to pick out the best size in future knits and to know how a particular yarn will behave. I also know the measurements of the sweaters I wear the most. Wish I had started it sooner.

  • @CrystalBentley
    @CrystalBentley 16 дней назад

    aaahhh! I missed when the little black tee pattern came out. I've been waiting for this as soon as you mentioned turning it into a pattern. So glad it came up in this video. I totally paused the video to go buy the pattern immediately. My local fiber fest is next week, and now I know what pattern I'm getting yarn for!

  • @silviap4478
    @silviap4478 7 дней назад

    I have worked with recycled cashmere. I made a shawl out of it. I would not buy it again though and do not recommend it to anyone. The fibers are very short, so the yarn strand rips easily. It is also not as soft as cashmere, it has definitely more tooth to it. I bought it because I was a newbie and the pattern asked for it. It also was in the high range of yarn quality brand, so it wasn't cheap.
    If you are concerned about buying sustainably then refrain from buying cashmere, especially from Mongolia. The hype around cashmere made the shepherds focus on the cashmere goat, but the hooves are so much sharper than sheeps. They destroy the ground, because there are so many of them and they leave practically a desert behind.

  • @JenniferBreaux-cg7iu
    @JenniferBreaux-cg7iu 17 дней назад +1

    You’re in good company. Most creatives, comedians, scientists, ets are ADHD/neurodivergent. I’m personally ADHD and I’m super creative. Us my superpower.

  • @13that1girl
    @13that1girl 17 дней назад +2

    This was top of my feed, and it was just posted 30 seconds ago 😂 RUclips knows I enjoy your videos, I suppose.

  • @equitime77
    @equitime77 17 дней назад +2

    Thanks for answering my question. I think of it we think differently. It's like we have a different 'operating system, windows v mac'. (I have a computing background). My son is autistic but refuses to acknowledge it because he doesn't want to think of his brain being broken. We aren't broken, we just think differently. Accepting that can really help. We know why we have good imaginations, are good at problem solving, may struggle with people interactions for different reasons. Like I said to someone recently knowing about it is like having a key that unlocks a door to freedom. That's how I think about it. I'm glad you weren't offended by my question. (I am diagnosed autistic and dyslexic, on the waiting list for ADHD but know that I am that.) Here's to lots of enjoyable projects!

      @WOOLNEEDLESHANDS  17 дней назад +3

      Thank you for sharing your perspective and for asking the question! It's so important to embrace our differences and recognize the strengths that come with them. I always say that if we leverage our quarks to work in our favor, we have unlimited potential. Probably a bit extreme, but I like to look at it like that. 😊

  • @anne-mareehern
    @anne-mareehern 10 дней назад

    Thank you Taylor, I too quite often spell Gauge incorrectly, not sure why but I do.
    Appreciate your time and helpful information

  • @erinpersinger
    @erinpersinger 16 дней назад

    I love your videos, especially your Q&A’s! Thank you for all of your content, even the misspellings 🙌🏼😂❤

      @WOOLNEEDLESHANDS  15 дней назад

      Thank you so much! Glad you enjoy them. ❤️❤️

  • @ursulaschneider4356
    @ursulaschneider4356 14 дней назад

    Say yes to spicy answers to corrective 'comments'. exhausting. I recently realized that I am on the neurodivergent spectrum and it has been super helpful for me in understanding myself and how I connect with others. Love your videos so much!❤️ ❤️ ❤️

  • @becominghumanagain
    @becominghumanagain 17 дней назад +1

    Haha this video was great. I'm over here knitting on my first color work project (after 20 years of avoiding just such a task) and it occurred to me that I (so at least one person lol) would really enjoy watching a video where you challenge yourself to try some techniques that you've professed an aversion to (coughcough brioche coughcough). Just an idea! Have a wonderful weekend :)

  • @malinbjorkman4615
    @malinbjorkman4615 16 дней назад +1

    Yes, Ravit do cost. But as a one-time-fee only 😅. And wasn’t that expensive - as I bought it and I’m on a budget. Worth the money if you ask me! ❤

  • @nancyistenes7643
    @nancyistenes7643 14 дней назад

    Fun to see my prior comment/question picked. Love your videos, your banter and humor. Keep it coming and ignore the negative nellies.

  • @GenieDeli
    @GenieDeli 17 дней назад +1

    "You need to let it go" 😂 Love you too Tayler! (and I almost spelled your name wrong...)

  • @rosemaryc9093
    @rosemaryc9093 16 дней назад +3

    Two years ago I made a sweater using Myak baby yak medium. I wear a lot and it has not pilled. Conversely I used Cascade 220 for another sweater and I swear it pills when I look at it.

      @WOOLNEEDLESHANDS  16 дней назад

      That’s so good to know! I’ve never knit with yak, but I’ve heard it’s lovely. So glad it hasn’t pilled for you. ❤️

  • @chrisd487
    @chrisd487 16 дней назад

    Well said! I love that you're so relatable. ❤️

  • @ParadoxicalSiren
    @ParadoxicalSiren 13 дней назад +1

    Haha I am terrible at spelling and most of the time I don’t even notice a misspelled word and when I do I feel like it’s relatable. Also gauge gets me most of the time when I’m writing it

  • @dorym8045
    @dorym8045 17 дней назад +1

    I frequently start with “guage” first, then usually realize it looks wrong and fix it. But we are all human in different ways. ❤

  • @mollysargent389
    @mollysargent389 9 дней назад +1

    I have a question regarding yarn storage. How do you store your yarn? Are you supposed to keep it in its original state (hank, skein, ball), or is it okay to wind them into cakes for long term storage? Personally I like to wind up all recently purchased yarn so I can organize & stack them in cake form. And use them whenever I choose without having to re-setup my winder and swift. I usually wind twice so they're not too tight, but I've heard that this can stretch out or wear down the yarn. Would love to hear your thoughts on this.

  • @jackiebruce9146
    @jackiebruce9146 10 дней назад

    I paid $5 for Ravit a few years ago and it’s been worth every penny!

  • @AlmaPitchford
    @AlmaPitchford 17 дней назад

    I had similar thoughts about neurodivergence (I enjoy the term neurospicy too 🤪) when you talked about the DMN. This is just conjecture, but I think there are plenty of places along the spectrum where those who cannot spell gauge, guarantee (and other words that aren't spelled how they sound) and that's fine, we can do so much that's amazing. Thank you for the content, and cheers to the strings that unite us!

  • @ChrisJohnsonCJs-Kitchen
    @ChrisJohnsonCJs-Kitchen 13 дней назад

    I'm going to need to watch the yarn weight video. This was interesting. Thank you.

  • @valeriehowden471
    @valeriehowden471 17 дней назад

    Dress forms - yesterday I watched a fun RUclips video on someone making a dress form on herself, by herself, out of plastic food wrap and duct tape!!! Then, she cut it up to help draft a tailored dress pattern. Talk about creativity.

  • @adri_eclectic_odyssey
    @adri_eclectic_odyssey 6 дней назад +1

    Thanks a bunch! I have dyslexia and dyscalculia, and I’ve always wanted to make my own clothes, but I’ve been so scared and overwhelmed by reading patterns and measurements. As well as color work. Do you know if there are any others out there who struggle with this as well? What are some of your tips and tricks? I’d love to hear them! ❤

  • @julietpage4322
    @julietpage4322 13 дней назад

    Thanks for all the great videos! I recently found your channel and am thoroughly enjoying the content. One item I haven’t seen addressed yet is how to find and pick a pattern / project to suit a particular yarn. As a hand spinner who spins to distress and relax, I often end up making yarn without a particular item in mind. (Perhaps the fiber just spoke to me and said I need to be a thin four ply fractal spin!) 😊 Sometimes I even have several thousand yards - enough for sweater projects! (Hey the world is stressful lately!) I also weave (big floor loom) and machine knit (flat bed and CSM) so lots of yardage is just a thing for me to maximize use flexibility. ❤ Somehow 😂 I have gobs of yarn and in need an appropriate HK project or pattern! How would you systematically approach finding something suitable (say on Ravelry) for said yarn with a given color, variegation, weight/thickness/grist, gauge and length? What factors should we take into account? Like do we search first to see what the fabric is like, then pick the pattern, or the other way around? Surely I’m not the only one with a yarn stash in search of patterns! 🎉 thank you.

  • @Koimomof9
    @Koimomof9 15 дней назад

    When I first started working waaay back when, I had a little book, like my business word Bible that had commonly misspelled words in it. This was BEFORE spellcheck, we had to use typewriters, but thankfully they were electric. I don't know how many times I had to look up the word gauge. It was one I even had highlighted because I had to look it up so much!

  • @eastlynburkholder3559
    @eastlynburkholder3559 17 дней назад +1

    Yes, cast is past tense

  • @ballpointdoll
    @ballpointdoll 17 дней назад +3

    edit: oh, i shouldve watched another few seconds before commenting but i had paused the vid to look it up lol. u did add that texted is different. (keeping my original comment after this)
    the standard past tense of "to text" is "texted" though! i got so confused when you brought this up, ive never heard ppl disagree on this, but apparently its a thing (i paused the vid and searched it up). it's definitely fine if you prefer to say "text" in past tense, but this is irregular and not standard (which is fine, just shouldn't be presented as if it's more correct than any other version, and to think it's the standard is incorrect). when new verbs are formed in english, the standard conjugation is the -ed ending, and "to text" is a recent verb (words like "cast" that conjugate irregularly are very old). im assuming that the confusion here comes from that "text" phonetically sounds like some past tenses, because -ext sounds like -ed (messaged, talked) or -t (dreamt, learnt), but this is not a regular reason to see "text" as past tense since it's just a noun that happens to sound like that.

  • @rebeccaknudsen6190
    @rebeccaknudsen6190 17 дней назад

    Thanks for sharing content about all things fiber!❤❤❤

  • @practicallymedieval2027
    @practicallymedieval2027 16 дней назад

    So it's only very recently that we've had uniform spelling. Chalk it up to being creative and be as spicy as you need to be. Also damn people are harsh about their essentially free content. I love your videos. Thanks for continuing to make them.

  • @nikitinaknits
    @nikitinaknits 16 дней назад

    it was nice to knit with you 🤎

      @WOOLNEEDLESHANDS  15 дней назад

      Always a pleasure to be here while you knit. ❤️

  • @mrsclaunch
    @mrsclaunch 16 дней назад

    Great video! Thanks for sharing your time with us.

  • @ThisPossumKnits
    @ThisPossumKnits 17 дней назад +3

    Getting your son diagnosed could be really helpful for him. I found out in my 30s, and fighting for the work accommodations that I need has been quite the struggle 😔
    But obviously, everything going on in the US right now is very worrying, and it might be better to not have that documented right now based on how a certain 1930's political party treated autistic people.
    As always, thanks for the video!

    • @16stellarstars
      @16stellarstars 14 дней назад

      My documentation really helped me get accommodations in school and work. I hope she considers if it would be helpful for her son. I was doing great in school until I hit a wall where there were suddenly too many classes and too much homework to keep up with. My accommodations really helped me continue to do well in school and learn all the material.

  • @caroltower1805
    @caroltower1805 17 дней назад +2

    I was SO not trying to be a PITA! It's just my OCDish self - spelling errors are my pet peeve! I understood that it wasn't fixable.... but I couldn't help myself!!! I do love your videos regardless. ❤

      @WOOLNEEDLESHANDS  17 дней назад +2

      Carol you are not a PITA. When I saw your comment I chuckled because honestly, I get it. No hard feelings at all.

    • @caroltower1805
      @caroltower1805 16 дней назад

      @@WOOLNEEDLESHANDS It seems like some people thought I was!

  • @lolam.9291
    @lolam.9291 17 дней назад +10

    I really don’t know why people correct each other’s spelling. If you understand the statement/question then just go with it. You are not being graded here 🙄

  • @LeeHerrmann-v2s
    @LeeHerrmann-v2s 17 дней назад +1

    Good episode for this season, as we are all looking forward planning the growing season.
    I have a question re starting seeds: why do we start seeds in smaller containers ( 6 cell packs) versus larger pots (3 inch)? I heard Jacque talk about starting larger seeds (cucumbers) in larger pots, but I don’t think he explained why that is “okay”, and, not “okay” with smaller seeds? Has anyone compared same type of seedlings started in different size pots? Thanks, Sue

  • @debbienorman3402
    @debbienorman3402 15 дней назад +3

    I’m so curious about your beautiful background / decor. I’d love a tour if you are comfortable with it

      @WOOLNEEDLESHANDS  15 дней назад +2

      Thank you so much! Maybe I’ll do an office tour in the future! Love that idea.

  • @kristinm3729
    @kristinm3729 17 дней назад

    Hat off to you (no pun intended) regarding your response about neurodivergence. We're all on this frickin' spectrum (and I say this as a person who truly is :-)) I think that the knitting community is particularly fortunate to have so many of us who see things through different prisms. And I love how you naturally correlate neurodivergence with creativity (as it is). So many people dwell on the "challenges" instead of creativity, which is a fantastic gift. On the topic of recycled cashmere, I've knitted with it (or should I say "knit" :-)) on a few occasions. I would say it pills less than pure, new cashmere, which I've also knitted with fairly frequently. It also has a more matte texture and feels slightly less delicate. I actually prefer using it over new cashmere 100% of the time. It lasts up better, takes dye amazingly, and is not fussy to knit with or to wear. The cardi I made most recently (Champagne Cardigan) is pill-free after 20 wears. Not sponsored but it was Nordic Yarn Eco Cashmere. I've already bought more.

  • @sarahgeorge9174
    @sarahgeorge9174 15 дней назад +1

    I think "casted" is used today, like I'm the phrase " He casted the play with many obscure stars." But I'm with the "casted on hurts my ears" crowd.

    • @mymothersstash
      @mymothersstash 14 дней назад

      Yes, but also - I am a secret grammar nazi (except when it comes to my kids), I don't know why I would spend my energy correcting the grammar of strangers on the internet...

  • @sheilapickard106
    @sheilapickard106 16 дней назад +1

    Ravit is $4.99, supposedly a one time charge. I did not know it existed, so thank you!

      @WOOLNEEDLESHANDS  16 дней назад

      That’s good to know! I’m glad it’s not a subscription!

  • @TheWoollyBat
    @TheWoollyBat 17 дней назад +2

    Oh I've been thinking the app was called rabbit this whole time 😂

  • @catherinecunningham7126
    @catherinecunningham7126 8 дней назад

    Great questions! I have one. Why don’t you promote your hand dyed yarn on your podcast? I swear you used to, or am I crazy? Wait, no need to answer that last one! 😂😂😂

  • @13that1girl
    @13that1girl 17 дней назад +3

    Also, Ravit is $4.99

      @WOOLNEEDLESHANDS  17 дней назад

      Thank you! I had this feeling it was. I think it was free way back when I downloaded it so I wasn’t sure. ❤️

  • @trudilarose2260
    @trudilarose2260 17 дней назад

    Well damn! "Casted" is so grating to my ear.... But it's an archaic use so now I have to use it. Because I'm that pretentious. 🤣🤣

  • @CarrieLMcClain
    @CarrieLMcClain 16 дней назад +3

    Librarian (this means I can probably spell, right?) and long-time knitting human here... I can't spell guage. I spell it wrong nearly every time. If I spell it correctly, it's probably an accident. ❤

  • @sarahkeane2898
    @sarahkeane2898 10 дней назад

    The Eisley by Meghan Babin has a very similar look to the navy sweater from your sister in law.

  • @TheWoolblindKnitter
    @TheWoolblindKnitter 16 дней назад

    I know you already answered a lot of our questions and I thank you for it, but your response to the lopi question inspires me to to to make a cowichan style sweater in lopi yarn (i have a preference for machelopi (spanish la mancha sheep that makes manchego cheese, it also tends to be cheaper than the icelandic lopi). However I have discovered recently that knitting in the round sweaters are so much faster than cardicans because of the pearl rows. With that being said, do you think that a cowichan sweater would be a bad candidate for steeking (for a zipper or button close connection) if made with a lopi yarn?

  • @margaretwillis7306
    @margaretwillis7306 11 дней назад

    Be spicy! I worked at a newspaper for 39 years. Mistakes happen! We are human.

  • @janedean1601
    @janedean1601 17 дней назад

    I have a question. Can you recommend any knitting retreats or festivals ? Thank you

  • @eastlynburkholder3559
    @eastlynburkholder3559 17 дней назад

    I love cotton sweater

  • @jdeeann
    @jdeeann 16 дней назад +2

    I love videos like this. I do have a question of my own. Whenever someone compliments a sweater normally they also will ask where I got it. My answer has always been "I knitted this myself." Since watching your pretentious knitter video, and reading all the casted on comments, I am now wondering if it would be more proper to answer "I knit this myself" What do you think? It probably doesn't matter, but it did cause me to pause.

      @WOOLNEEDLESHANDS  16 дней назад +2

      I’m glad you enjoyed this! And I totally know what you’re saying here. “Knitted” always catches me up too. Technically it’s correct, so there’s that. Otherwise, I wouldn’t give it a second thought. 🫠

  • @conniedunfield7601
    @conniedunfield7601 16 дней назад +1

    Thank you for being "Human"!!!! ha

  • @rashaahmedmd
    @rashaahmedmd 14 дней назад

    Ravit is for about 5$ paid only at time of download

  • @nataliepearson8460
    @nataliepearson8460 17 дней назад

    ❤ Spicy Tayler!

  • @eastlynburkholder3559
    @eastlynburkholder3559 17 дней назад

    Love shape of hat, i make hats of different weights in that shape

  • @katelynrader4592
    @katelynrader4592 16 дней назад +2

    😂😂😂 I love the end comment 😅 how dare you not immediately pull the video down, adjust your spelling errors, and individually respond to everyone apologizing for being human?!
    You handled it well though, so sorry you're getting bombarded with people pointing out flaws🤣

    • @mwolfe7883
      @mwolfe7883 15 дней назад

      😂🤣👏🏼 right?

  • @3Dhyana
    @3Dhyana 16 дней назад

    I misspell gauge all the time!

  • @mymothersstash
    @mymothersstash 15 дней назад +4

    I so love spicy Tayler Earl :-) I think most people don't actually know how long it takes to edit a youtube video - and also not that once you have uploaded a video, you cannot edit it anymore, because RUclips pretty much locks it (except if you edit in their very bad studio thing). In my last video I discovered that my intro had been moved so only half of the recorded image was visible - but rendering and uploading had taken so long, that by the time I would be done correcting it I would already be 24h into the life of this video 🙄really not worth it for 45sec of video

  • @arcitejack
    @arcitejack 17 дней назад

    How does the brim on that hat not roll up without ribbing? Thanks

  • @patternandcraft
    @patternandcraft 13 дней назад

    I find when I eat a lot of protein and exercise my hair seems to grow faster- my theory is that it’s because hair is made of protein and exercise increases growth hormones?

  • @sandylynn8688
    @sandylynn8688 16 дней назад +2

    Ok…squirrel….what is that red thing on your table by your right elbow….pencil sharpener? Can opener?😂… It’s very cool looking….retro, maybe?

      @WOOLNEEDLESHANDS  16 дней назад +3

      @@sandylynn8688 Hi Sandy! It’s indeed a pencil sharpener!

    • @t.k.herrin2788
      @t.k.herrin2788 16 дней назад +1

      Right, I noticed that as well and wondered. Thanks for asking.

  • @LovePikaMusic
    @LovePikaMusic 16 дней назад +2

    I don't think I've ever encountered anyone say "text" as in past tense. Always texted. Do people actually say "text" in the past tense?

    • @mymothersstash
      @mymothersstash 14 дней назад

      Texted is also newly verbified noun, so I think it is way more "allowable" mistake to make. (All mistakes are allowable, and I am not the grammar police, and I come from a country where the authority on language and spellig litterally say that if everybody makes the same mistake, then the majority is right bc. that is how language evolve).

    • @LovePikaMusic
      @LovePikaMusic 14 дней назад

      @@mymothersstash what i'm saying is, i've literally never heard anyone say it's a mistake - but if I saw someone say "i text her yesterday", THAT would definitely sound wrong to me. I didn't think it was an "allowable mistake", but rather, simply the way to do it. though english is not my first language, but i use it daily on the internet.

    • @IHaveNoClue1234
      @IHaveNoClue1234 6 дней назад

      Yeah I was also confused. I think texted is grammatically correct.

    • @mymothersstash
      @mymothersstash 3 дня назад

      @ No one says that as far as I know. Texted is way more correct

  • @MediaPeruanaKnits
    @MediaPeruanaKnits 8 дней назад +2

    Carol needs a hobby. Maybe knitting?

  • @eastlynburkholder3559
    @eastlynburkholder3559 17 дней назад

    Imagination can make one miss the bvipus answers, obvious to almost every one else.

  • @owldimtell8111
    @owldimtell8111 16 дней назад +2

    Great video! However, I feel it's important to acknowledge that neurodivergent is something you are or you aren't, its not something you can "tend" to fall into. By this i don't mean to say self diagnosing is wrong but words are important

      @WOOLNEEDLESHANDS  16 дней назад

      @@owldimtell8111 thank you. However, as much as I agree that words are important (as are their definitions and context), and while I understand what you’re saying here, it’s also important to note that “neurodivergent” is not a diagnosis, or condition. It’s simply an umbrella term describing folks who (cognitively) process things differently than what’s considered typical (within and without the context of a diagnosable condition). When it was coined in the middish 90s it was intended to include those both with and without cognitive disorders as a way to emphasize varying degrees of cognitive processing. It would be different if I said that my son and I “tend to be ADHD”. ADHD is a diagnosis and condition and one that you don’t truly “tend to be.” You either are diagnosed or you are not. And I wouldn’t presume a self-diagnosis of a mental/cognitive health condition like ADHD. That’s not what is happening here. I’m simply acknowledging the fact that at this point, my perception is that my son and I could perhaps be considered neurodivergent. We may tend in that direction. We may be likely to display or possess characteristics of neurodivergent individuals. This is what it means to “tend” to be something: to be liable or likely to possess certain traits.

  • @barbarapetronio9419
    @barbarapetronio9419 16 дней назад

    I have a question: to cast on is an irregular verb? I’m Italian and I thought that casted on was the past. Now l’m confused. Thank you for your patience and I like spicy people! Ciao from Como-Italy

  • @bgbaltuth
    @bgbaltuth 15 дней назад

    For the love of spelling .... I hate auto correct and typing. But I love you. ttfn