20 year-old British woman dies after botched butt implant


First of all, it pains me whenever I see someone in my age group die. I don't know how to describe it, but even though I don't know the people I just get effected by the thought of life being cut so short like that. May she rest in peace and I wish the best for her family.

On the other side of things, this also ticks me off. Why is a 20 year-old so ignorant to get an illegal underground plastic surgery? Now all the prude types are going to put this side by side with the average educated women that get breast implants. I'm all for plastic surgery...I just hate that these illegal surgeons and the people that go to them bring it in a negative light.
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Poor chick :( No one deserves to die like that! Well maybe Mrtrebus but his ass could probly take it....... :facepalm:
Sad a young girl doing this to become part of the hip hop scene, for all we know many pictures are photoshopped and music videos edited to make rears look bigger but these catch the eyes of impressionable young women who no doubt feel they need to emilate this to become successful in watever field they choose. Even if you are adamant on the surgery go to someone who is fully qualifies with experience even if it costs a bit more.

Why do people have problem with staying natural is something i just can't get.Butt implants sound ridiculous.I wonder what's next.

It's really sad that she was just 20 and had a lot of life to see :(.


AFK..being taken to the vet to get neutered.
What a ass.