- Опубликовано: 13 мар 2025
- Mega Man 11 is soon to be released and a demo was just released on the Nintendo Switch, PS4, Xbox One and PC which included his Death and Game Over screen. Mega Man (Rock Man) hasn't had a game in years and it's awesome to see a new one. In this video we get to see how Mega Man has died throughout the years in many of his series, Mega Man, Mega Man X, Mega Man Battle Network and so much more! I didn't include remakes such as the Legacy Collection in this video. Hope you enjoy the Evolution of Mega Man Deaths and Game Over Screens form the NES in 1987 all the way up to the Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, and Playstation 4 in 2018.
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#MegaMan11 #MegaMan #MegaManEvolution Игры
Which Mega Man is your favorite and had the funniest death? Also Follow me on Instagram and Twitter!
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mega man 7
Mega Man 11
is it because of the sound
5:06 when u get a kill in fortnite but get killed by the enemies teammate
Master0fHyrule han gtajufjugdjjefvhluhinhh,bh
5:54 this game punishes you so badly. If you get a game over. Your ears will bleed from this
Finally someone talks about rock and fortissimo
As if this game doesn't cause ear pain already
game over yeah!!
9:48 I don't know why, but I find myself trying to imitate this voice anytime Mega Man dies in any video game, even Smash Brothers.
8:27 *OoOOOooOOoooOoooOOOOoOOo*
Sora kh sound extended
Me: *Makes sense*
that sounded... wrong..
@Lola Salvador you replied one million times
5:00 after that first sip of ice cold water
Sounds like a vulture wth
13:16 trying to take a sip of water with a sore throat
8:26 He died so hard he ascended.
Hahah, yeah!😂
XD 🤣
**Gangsta paradise scream**
To his death.
9:49 X is a good singer.
13:17 Mega Man 11 is better at singing 😂
BillyBob 125.
Mega man x: noooooooooooo
How does that even count as singing he just screams no But i will admit he’s got talent.
7:49 "Lan... I'm not feeling well..."
Who gave you the right?!
I'm sorry Mr Stark
That stupid virus...!!!
Megaman EXE It’s okay...
8:01 Megaman sounded like Naruto when he died.
Another reason why I don’t like naruto
GDMixer it’s kinda good beo
The Mega Man X7 death animation looks hilarious as hell lol
The voices make it even more funny xD
guess you could say he, wasnt feeling too good *lowers shades*
5:28 is the best, beautiful
no its 12:25
@@jacobw1780 That little jingle is so good xD
@@JP-fj3dd People like you do not need the right to comment.
@Rhok T Yes, sometimes I think that when I lose, Mega Man Dies
Mega Man Game Over In Cronological Order
Mega Man - 0:04
Mega Man 2 - 0:16
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge - 0:42
Mega Man 3 - 0:29
Mega Man II - 0:55
Mega Man: The Willy Wars - 3:11
Mega Man 4 - 1:24
Mega Man III - 1:07
Mega Man 5 - 1:40
Mega Man IV - 1:54
Mega Man V - 2:39
Mega Man 6 - 2:24
Mega Man 7 - 3:23
Mega Man 8 - 4:44
Mega Man & Bass - 5:24
Rockman & Forte: Mirai Kara no Chōsensha - 5:46
Mega Man 9 - 12:01
Mega Man 10 - 12:30
Mega Man 11 - 12:58
Mega Man X - 2:12
Mega Man X2 - 2:55
Mega Man Xtreme - 6:17
Mega Man X3 - 4:12
Mega Man Xtreme 2 - 7:02
Mega Man X4 - 4:56
Mega Man X5 - 6:50
Mega Man X6 - 7:15
Mega Man X7 - 8:22
Mega Man X8 - 9:46
Mega Man Zero - 7:27
Mega Man Zero 2 - 8:10
Mega Man Zero 3 - 9:10
Mega Man Zero 4 - 10:09
Mega Man ZX - 11:09
Mega Man ZX Advent - 11:37
The Misadventures of Tron Bonne - 5:35
Mega Man Legends - 5:06
Mega Man Legends 2 - 5:59
Thanos: * snaps his fingers *
Mega man.Exe: 7:49
It's so depressing, tho, even moreso than the end of the movie!
@@Alebr-cm9ll wow
Mr. Light, I don’t feel so good.
Lan... I don't feel so good..
You could say that megaman. EXE has stopped working.
I am not sorry because this joke is amazing, you swines.
Kind of brutal how in Mega Man Starforce you have this alien powered kid just explode. None of those pretty lights or anything, just straight up dies like a maverick in the X games.
Followed by the most stereotypically DS Game Over ditty.
8:27 OOOH
Oooouuuaaahh...!!! 😫
**ascends to void**
I died laughing
Wait that is axl
Alternate title:
Evolution of megaman exploding in it's games
pinguino S Castillo Herrera well he didn’t always explode
pinguino S Castillo Herrera te encuentro en todos lados
Muy cierto
Mega man is a he
9:49 X has a good singing voice
Teacher: You guys have to do 5000 homeworks.
@@angelicamutisayala5312 Also when you must go to school/university
@@sallyluzlc lol
@@angelicamutisayala5312 lol
7:19 Energy depleted
@Rhok T Oh naw...
X stubs his toe and dies
@@clovervidproductionshe stepped on maverick and died
8:27 Megaman x7 - Oooouuuuuhhhhhh! lmao
Ooouuuaahh...!!! 😫
@@angelicamutisayala5312 XDDDD
@@sallyluzlc XDDDDDDDDDDD
I don't remember seeing that!
Mega Man X Command mission
*_Wanna choose Game Over cuz I wanna see if there's another screen_*
@@sallyluzlc I don't remember that
@@angelicamutisayala5312 Right
@@sallyluzlc Hi
@@angelicamutisayala5312 Hai
It's gone!
Why tho?
@@angelicamutisayala5312 idk
Yellow balls
Oh and Yellow Devil MK:2 (and 3) didn’t?
12:19 *Insert lenny face here*
I don't get it
@@angelicamutisayala5312 I'm gonna learn to do the lenny face
@@angelicamutisayala5312 he’s bopping up and down rapidly...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
8:27 MegaMan X7
*_Top 10 anime deaths_*
9:49 MegaMan X8
*_When you must go to school_*
7:49 Rockman.EXE
*_Lan, I'm not feeling well.._*
5:54 Rockman and Forte
*_R.I.P Headphone users_*
3:58 MegaMan Power Battle
*_MegaMan's happy to die Lmao_*
10:53 MegaMan Maverick Hunter X
*_Next variation of X7's death, huh?_*
5:00 MegaMan X4
*_Sounds like a vulture_*
5:16 MegaMan Legends
*_How scary do you want the Game Over screen to be?_*
7:19 MegaMan X6
13:17 MegaMan 11
*_Daaahhh..!! (echo)_*
0:17 MegaMan 2
*_Uh.. MegaMan, Where did your face go?_*
8:02 MegaMan Network Transmission
*_MegaMan Deleted_*
4:32 MegaMan 2: The Power Fighters
*_Why are the energy spheres so big?_*
10:28 MegaMan Battle Network 5
4:48 MegaMan 8
*_I like this_*
Longest comment i've made...
P.S: I've spent *_WAY_* too much time editing this.
Hi There! :)
@@sallyluzlc **insert kirby hi**
@@sallyluzlc wazzup
@@sallyluzlc hey man wazzup
@@angelicamutisayala5312 good
Everyone: you can't just make a game for DS and then make the sequel for a previous generation console!!
Megaman and Bass: hold my e-tank
**Fights Wood Man**
Music: **Plays crash Man's theme**
That’s how Power Battle was, I just kinda shrugged it off, because who doesn’t like Crash Man’s theme?
@@HCN-002OldChannel ikr, his theme, alongside Quick Man, Wood Man, and the other generation 2 RMS are really catchy
@@Quickipede yeah, Power Battle, Power Fighters and Battle and Chase need to be put in a bundle
power battle has themes of the mega man psp remakes and it only has air man, crash man, bubble man, and heat man remix. and not wood man, flash man, quick man, or metal man
@@Reloaded1991 yeah, those are Complete Works tracks, but I didn’t feel like correcting him
5:16 SCARY
Deveplovers: How scary do you want the Game Over screen to be?
Capcom: *_Yes_*
@@angelicamutisayala5312 XDDDDD
Sonic CD: Pathetic
Yes, I even think if the N4z¡$ would conquer the world if I had not lost, is horrible.
Mega Man Game Over List
0:08 0:09 Mega Man (1987 NES)
0:17 0:18 Mega Man 2 (1988 NES)
0:32 0:33 Mega Man 3 (1990 NES)
0:45 0:46 Mega Man Dr. Willy’s Revenge (1991 GB)
0:58 0:59 Mega Man 2 (1991 GB)
1:11 1:12 Mega Man 3 (1992 GB)
1:26 1:27 Mega Man 4 (1992 NES)
1:41 1:42 Mega Man 5 (1993 NES)
1:59 2:00 Mega Man 4 (1993 GB)
2:15 2:16 Mega Man X (1993 SNES)
2:28 2:29 Mega Man 6 (1994 NES)
2:42 2:43 Mega Man 5 (1994 GB)
3:00 3:01 Mega Man X2 (1994 SNES)
3:14 3:15 Mega Man: The Wily Wars (1994 Genesis)
3:26 3:27 Mega Man 7 (1995 SNES)
3:39 3:40 Mega Man (1995 GameGear)
3:58 3:59 Mega Man The Power Battle (1995 Arcade)
4:16 4:17 Mega Man X3 (1995 SNES)
4:31 4:32 Mega Man 2 The Power Fighters (1995 Arcade)
4:47 4:48 Mega Man 8 (1996 PS1/Saturn)
5:00 5:01 Mega Man X4 (1997 PS1/Saturn)
5:09 5:10 Mega Man Legends/Mega Man 64 (1997 PS1/N64)
5:27 5:28 Mega Man & Bass (1998 SNES/2002 GBA)
5:37 5:38 The Misadventures Of Tron Bonne (1999 PS1)
5:50 5:51 Rockman & Forte (1999 WonderSwan)
6:02 6:03 Mega Man Legends 2 (2000 PS1)
6:18 6:19 Mega Man Xtreme (2000 GBC)
6:34 6:35 Mega Man Battle Network (2001 GBA)
6:43 6:44 Mega Man Battle Network 2 (2001 GBA)
6:55 6:56 Mega Man X5 (2000 PS1)
7:04 7:05 Mega Man Xtreme 2 (2001 GBC)
7:19 7:20 Mega Man X6 (2001 PS1)
7:29 7:30 Mega Man Zero (2002 GBA)
7:39 7:40 Mega Man Battle Network 3 (2002 GBA)
7:49 7:50 Rockman EXE WS (2003 WonderSwan Color)
8:01 8:02 Mega Man Network Transmission (2003 GameCube)
8:12 8:13 Mega Man Zero 2 (2003 GBA)
8:26 8:27 Mega Man X7 (2003 PS2)
8:35 8:36 Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge (2003 GBA)
8:48 8:49 Rockman EXE N1 Battle (2003 WonderSwan Color)
9:02 9:03 Mega Man Battle Network 4 (2003 GBA)
9:13 9:14 Mega Man Zero 3 (2004 GBA)
9:28 9:29 Mega Man X Command Mission (2004 GameCube/PS2)
9:39 9:40 Rockman EXE 4.5 Real Operation (2004 GBA)
9:49 9:50 Mega Man X8 (2004 PS2)
10:01 10:02 Mega Man Battle Network 5 (2004 GBA)
10:14 10:15 Mega Man Zero 4 (2005 GBA)
10:25 10:26 Mega Man Battle Network 5 Double Team DS (2005 DS)
10:34 10:35 Mega Man Battle Network 6 (2005 GBA)
10:52 10:53 Mega Man Maverick Hunter X (2005 PSP) (This Is A Remake Of SNES)
11:01 11:02 Mega Man Powered Up (2006 PSP) (Cute Game)
11:12 11:13 Mega Man ZX (2006 DS)
11:26 11:27 Mega Man Star Force (2006 DS)
11:40 11:41 Mega Man ZX 2 Advert (2007 DS)
11:50 11:51 Mega Man Star Force 2 (2007 DS)
12:05 12:06 Mega Man 9 (2008 WiiWare/X360/PS3)
12:19 12:20 Mega Man Star Force 3 (2008 DS)
12:33 12:34 Mega Man 10 (2010 WiiWare/X360/PS3)
12:47 12:48 Street Fighter X Mega Man (2012 PC)
13:16 13:17 Mega Man 11 (2018 Switch/XONE/PS4/PC)
10:28 LAN
Is onward character name :d
Dr. Wily: Time to die, Mega Man!
(Mega Man dies, screaming like Samus Aran and Exploding)
Game Over!
Mega man 11 looks nice👌
trust me it is
Rip megaman 1987-2018 may rest in peace
More like pieces!
Mega man 12 is coming out. Just not right now.
@@parkerbagley5679 yes
Lol 😂
@@samlanderz6813 thx?
7:49 *Thanos has joined the server as a Mettaur*
Mega Man I'm sorry but but I don't play your games so I just wanted to apologize I love you Mega Man so much dude I'm a huge fan of you enjoy the best kid in the world and forget the in July forget me in July to so I just you're the coolest kid in the world and I love this world but I don't like. EXE
@@Theguywhoexists2763 You have a switch?
Just asking, no offense
@@angelicamutisayala5312 I do
I like the x mega man games and I saw a mettaur in password
the first mega man x game
The highway stage in mega Man X is the most brilliant soundtrack on the SNES
Mega-Man and Forte has the creepiest and loudest game over ever. especialy this part. 5:54
Forte is zero
@@shogunsoepic actually, he is Bass.
"We aren't in Japan, Megaman! His name is Bass!"
X: (9:49) NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
Mavericks: (Laughs in the green pigs way)
Game: Use a retry chip to restart the stage.
Gamer: NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!
Rockman EXE: "I don't feel so good..."
You should've put Mega Man's death in Ridely trailer as a bonus
Samus would've seen that and saved Mario. The whole story could change from that
10:27 is when he says lan
@@jairog2787 10:28
Ruth Mega Man: UWA!!
Ben Diskin Mega Man: DAAAAHHH!! (echoes)
11:01 Cute death Voice
8:27 worst death ever
Almost as bad as the Mega 11 one lol.
@Yary Rodríguez IKR
Sounds more like a climax noise 😂
fitting for the worst mega man game ever made
11:30 Defeat Me
Rockman & Forte is by far (for me) one of the most creepiest gameover. Due to its music
The volume as well
*Earrape Intensifies* 5:54
I think it's sad.
It’s slowed down
@@kobeschannel3506 Yea!
"Mega Man ZX Advert"
Join Grey and Ashe on a journey of creating the best advertisement for the new Mega Man game.
5:54 man that’s soo loud
Kaan Bolat do you know why, because it is their hardware that they play.
I guess that's one reason why the WonderSwan failed.
due to creepy music
@@marcoslemes5643 yeh scary music
Yep, BANDAI just couldn't get it right
Pov:You're playing mega man for the first time
How does one suck so bad that they get a game over in X4?
Aka, the easiest X game in existence
Granted, I know that they were intentional, but those deaths look like he's actually trying.
Well, to be honest, I try to make them look natural. I do die on purpose but I try to make it seem like I suck.
The only game I tried at was Mega Man 11. I kinda goofed and got myself stuck so I end up dying which worked out for this video.
Solarflare, tenemos gente de cultura aqui :v
Who hasn't gotten caught by that Diggernaut Flashback in the demo?
Easier than X1?
I still never understood why every Battle Network after 1 removed the energy orbs. Kinda made the deletion animation look less...Mega Man, you know?
8:28 In Mega Man In Different Exploding.
8:26 *insert climax noise here*
P.S: With that terrible spelling of yours, I can't even understand what you're saying.
@@angelicamutisayala5312 Ikr
@@sallyluzlc right, he's a horrible english spelling guy,
P.S: Maybe he's spanish but he just hides that?
@@angelicamutisayala5312 maybe
@@sallyluzlc wow
My favorite game over is 5:45
*_d e l e t_* _t h i s_ -Mega Man-
7:59 He delte
@@sonicm93 8:02
5:00 Sounds like a Vulture
12:00 A.K.A. Mega Man 2.1 - NES, 1990
8:45 Didn't realize that Inti Creates ported MegaMan Battle Chip Challenge to the WonderSwan Color. Of course, the performance was hampered by the WonderSwan's 10 MHz NEC V30 CPU. (Compared to the Game Boy Advance's 16.78 ARM7TDMI CPU)
8:27 mans just got laser beamed so hard he ascended
Why does Axl sound like that when he dies?
0:12 Walk on the Right Side
0:21 Treewood Pinkfield
0:37 Bay of Canyon
0:49 Dr. Willy Revenge
1:01 Shrub the Flick
1:16 Panky's Pet
1:31 Not Normal
1:48 Teachstar Rockin' Night
2:04 Revenge of Mighty Plumber
2:20 Mega Man X
2:33 Rising Tide
2:48 Masterpiece Theater
3:05 Space Cruiser
3:18 The Willy Wars
3:31 Dashed and Bang
3:43 Gaming Gear
4:06 Power Battle
4:21 Blast from the Past
4:40 Power Fighters
5:16 Legends
5:30 Mega Man & Bass
5:54 Rockman & Forte
6:07 Misadventures of Tron Bonne
6:23 Mega Man Xtreme
6:38 Battle Network
6:46 Mega Battle Network
7:08 Mega Man Extreme X
7:43 Super Battle Network
8:04 Network Transmission
9:20 Mega Man Zero
9:05 Battle Chip Challenge
9:41 Real Operation
10:05 Command Mission
10:37 Maverick Hunter
11:18 Powered Up
11:30 Star Force
11:54 ZX Advert
12:12 To Serve for Protect
12:24 Up to No Good
12:39 Deep Trouble
12:53 Street Fighter
13:20 Rockman EXE
For 8:28’s Scream Was Intense
Bruh he ascended in heaven
Finally maverick hunter x and powered up. But you forgot the game over screen of command mission
animefan20 Z REMAKE ALERT!
*_Remake Alert_*
I think this must be how CAPCOM treats Mega Man nowadays. When Mega Man dies, they laugh at him.
@@sebastiantoh5098 lol
So many explosions...
they would make great fireworks considering they just explode into tiny balls of light 😂
Alternative title: Evolution of Megaman and Zero exploding and dying in their games.
Also Axl in X7
And that dude from the Tronne Bonne game
11:31 "i think my heatbeat is doing something..."
Bro mega man x4 hit harddd 4:54
What am i fighting fooooooooooor
Basically the whole mmz lore
Normal heart beat
Deceased heartbeat
4:44 Mega Man 8!!! I play it on my PS3
Evolution of Bomberman Deaths & Game Over Screens (1983-2018) NES,SNES,GBA,Wii,Switch & More!
Megaman makes mah childhood.I remember playing Megaman X on polystation (yes,i have one of this) A LOT
13:17 that’s my favorite
13:20 got Tetris 99 vibes.
Omg, I use to love this game, also the death sounds and the death animation made me.. idk what the feeling is but I just love the death animation.
4:26 esa música da mucha más nostalgia que lo música original que esta en 8bit
Explode megaman like some bubble burst to pop up.
Amazing acting.
I love how in the X series X just instantly blows up into spheres where all the Maverick just slowly burn up like a firecracker.
Some characters leave a corpse instead.
I think the way X and Zero go into spheres is a nod to how they were actually created by Light and Wily, while other Reploids are not. But by that logic Axl would just fall over dead. Unless he was created by Cossack…
@@austinreed7343 yeah
8:02 God I felt that one, you should hear needleman's scream
@@jaydenferrer3754 That scream tho...
Every time Mega Man explodes, I’m always like “ohhhh that was so pretty!”
It's some interesting that in the firsts 3 megaman battle network the game over was more simple but here its more sentimental how if they rememeber that lan and megaman were contected and if one died the other too and this game over show it
8:26 , 10:53 , no Game Over screens?
Nah they send you back to the boss selection. Or title screen if you lost all your lives on the very first stage
@@Darkchao_berserko22 For the 8:26 game over, it sends you to a screen with the following options: Retry, Stage Select, Save, Title Screen (if I remember correctly) if you die on stages other than the 1st one
The strange is when megaman dies and when he explodes he turns into bubbles this is the strange
He dosent turn into bubbles he just dies from the explosion the blue orbs are spheres of energy
Me when i must go to school
12:58 This Death is very relatable
13:15 MegaMan (Switch):
Megaman's death in megaman 11 looks nice
Mega Man - NES ( 1987 )
Mega Man 2 -NES ( 1989 )
Mega Man 3 - NES ( 1990 )
Mega Man Dr. Willy Revenge - GB ( 1991 )
Mega Man 2 - GB ( 1991 )
Mega Man 3 - GB ( 1992 )
Mega Man 4 - NES ( 1992 )
Mega Man 5 - NES ( 1992 )
Mega Man 4 - GB ( 1993 )
Mega Man X - SNES ( 1993 )
Mega Man 6 - NES ( 1994 )
Mega Man 5 - GB ( 1994 )
Mega Man X2 - SNES ( 1994 )
Mega Man: The Willy Wars - Genesis ( 1994 )
Mega Man 7- SNES ( 1995 )
Mega Man - GameGear ( 1995 )
Mega Man Power Battle- Arcade ( 1995 )
Mega Man X3 - SNES ( 1995 )
Mega Man Power Fighters - Arcade ( 1995 )
Mega Man 8 - Playstation ( 1996 )
Mega Man X4 - Playstation ( 1997 )
Mega Man Legends - Playstation ( 1997 )
Mega Man & Bass - SNES ( 1998 )
Missadventures of Tron Bonne- Playstation ( 1999 )
Rockman & Fortez!- WonderSwan ( 1999 )
Mega Man Legends 2 - Playstation ( 2000 )
Mega Man Xtreme - GBC ( 2000 )
Mega Man Battle Network ( 2001 )
Mega Man Battle Network 2 - GBA ( 2001 )
Mega Man X5 - Playstation ( 2001 )
Mega Man Xtreme 2 - GBC ( 2001 )
Mega Man X6 - Playstation ( 2001 )
Mega Man Zero - GBA ( 2002 )
Mega Man Battle Network 3 - GBA ( 2002 )
Rockman EXE - WonderSwan Color ( 2003 )
Mega Man Network Transmission - GC ( 2003 )
Mega Man Zero 2 - GBA ( 2003 )
Mega Man X7 - PS2 ( 2003 )
Mega Man Battle Chip Challenge - GBA ( 2003 )
Rockman EXE N1 Battle - WonderSwan Color ( 2003 )
Mega Man Battle Network 4 - GBA ( 2003 )
Mega Man Zero 3 - GBA ( 2004 )
Mega Man X Command Mission - GC ( 2004 )
Rockman EXE 4.5 Real Operation - GBA ( 2004 )
Mega Man X8 - PS2 ( 2004 )
Mega Man Battle Network 5 - GBA ( 2004 )
Mega Man Zero 4 - GBA ( 2005 )
Mega Man Battle Network 5 - DS ( 2005 )
Mega Man Battle Network 6 - GBA ( 2005 )
Mega Man Maverick Hunter X - PSP ( 2006 )
Mega Man Powered Up - PSP ( 2006 )
Mega Man ZX - DS ( 2006 )
Mega Man Star Force - DS ( 2006 )
Mega Man ZX Advert - DS ( 2007 )
Mega Man Star Force 2 - DS ( 2007 )
Mega Man 9 - WiiWare ( 2008 )
Mega Man Star Force 3 - DS ( 2008 )
Mega Man 10 - WiiWare ( 2010 )
Street Fighter X Mega Man - PC ( 2012 )
Mega Man 11 - 2018 ( Nintendo Switch )
I love mega man 11 demo
5:20 evilest game over
But megaman legends 2 game over music is scarier and louder...
@@notsatan5457 5:54 this too (watch out for the volume)
Doctor Wily and his Fortress Minions, Sigma, The Genesis Unit, Wily's Robot Masters, Stardroids, Mavericks, World Three Members and World Three NetNavis, Darkloids and FM-Ians liked this video
1:59 it's a metroid
Mega Man, Rest in pieces. My favorite is Mega Man 3. The best music have the X-games. (X1-X8)
"This guy moaned at least this loud": 8:27
I swear the game over theme of 11 reminds me of the first few seconds of spade magnus's theme from star force.
Omfg it does i never realized that!!🤣🤣
3:05 What a Funny Guitar Song
3:39 Ouch My Ear
More like 5:54
5:06 When u get a kill in fortnite but then his buddy comes and hits u with a pickaxe.
No Fortnite.
@@JamesnLollify Ok then when u get a kill in Overwatch but then his buddy comes and hits you with with one shot.Happy now?
Guess so.
I feel you. The pickaxe is actually one of the strongest weapons in the game and they only need to hit you five times.
13:17 put it on the slowest speed
Daaaaaaaaaaaahh..!! 😫
I watch this video for the music. It is so good
In Mega Man X Command Mission, There is a game over screen after you choose "Game Over"
Yes, and there are two different ones!
7:55 put that on the slowest speed....
Que es?
3:51 When you start an animation
Which part were you trying to point? The ready go?
@@theextremeanimator4721 Yes
One like= one prayer for Mega Man
Stop trying to get likes
Ooooouuuuahhh...!!! 😫
"When Megaman dies, I can see the Explosion Death Effect!"