ODA Sensei Proved Again Why he is THE GOAT!
This Spin Off was FIRE!!
At first i was a little bit worried about the ANIMATIONS and ARTSTYLE but after Watching it
The Only Complaint i have is that i wanted MORE!!..
The good part about Animations is that they were Great at the Points they needed to Be Great..
Also the Story behind Flare and how her past was portrayed here was also very good that it makes you hate those two Fools even more
Back to back Reveals were Awesome and specially the Last Reveal "RYUMA THE KING" was Unexpected and Shocking.. also the Last scene when they transitioned to the RYUMA of THRILLER BARK giving Shusui to ZORO was Pure Goosebumps..
As an SPIN-OFF OVA this was 10/10
I belive One Piece Fans Will Definitely Love It!