The Hidden Pattern in Post Codes

  • Опубликовано: 27 мар 2025
  • Thank you, Bonnie Bees, for making this video possible:
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Комментарии • 152

  • @CGPGrey
    @CGPGrey  Месяц назад +808

    New Sidekick Notebook designs available today!видео.html

  • @eragonawesome
    @eragonawesome Месяц назад +12690

    I absolutely love that the chaos of Ireland's post codes makes it super easy to add or remove addresses with absolutely no fuss, that's amazing

    • @DukeBG
      @DukeBG Месяц назад +271

      uniqueId for the win

  • @ZachBrannigan
    @ZachBrannigan Месяц назад +7948

    Ireland sometimes doesn't need the Eircode either. The An Post guy is such a boss that I've had mail arrive with just my name on it.

  • @DecafPotato
    @DecafPotato Месяц назад +8443

    Fun Fact: The U.S. ZIp Code digit 9 actually extends *outside* of the United States, to Palau, Micronesia, and the Marshall Islands. The U.S. took control of these islands from Japan after World War II and even though they're now independent countries they are still served by the U.S. Postal Service and treated as domestic addresses for American shipping.

    • @sl600rt
      @sl600rt Месяц назад +428

      @DecafPotato compact of free association. The us also handles their security.

    • @CalumMelrose
      @CalumMelrose Месяц назад +150

      welp guess its time to mail something to palau
      wait nvm i dont live in the us

    • @ferdia
      @ferdia Месяц назад +201

      Huh, an actual fun fact, that followed the words "Fun Fact". Kudos.

  • @Ericisnotachannel
    @Ericisnotachannel Месяц назад +1689

    Mailman (city letter carrier) here, the "new" last 4 on the zip code are useless or more specifically obsolete, they became obsolete when we changed to the DPS (delivery point sequence) system, basically every address on a route has a delivery number, before that the last 4 helped narrow down a neighborhood, apartment complex, or other high volume mail area that extra sorting might help. But with DPS, the auto-sorting machines, and spraying of IMB (Intelligent Mail barcode) on every letter, the ZIP+4 has no purpose and if you look at the Zip+4 lists now, you can see something of time capsule of how routes used to be as the +4 was never updated to reflect route adjustments.

  • @StarlightNightflame
    @StarlightNightflame Месяц назад +2230

    What Grey didn't expand on is that before adopting Eircode in 2015, Ireland didn't really HAVE post codes. So they took a system that sometimes relied on individually named houses in the address (yes, some houses had names instead of street numbers - and I guess some probably still do) and leapfrogged the rest of the world by adopting a 21st century solution. Good job Ireland!

  • @worcestershirey
    @worcestershirey Месяц назад +4864

    Alright well I guess I'm gonna start writing my +4 on everything now just because it's peak efficient. Thank you Grey, very cool, the post office folks will be very pleased they no longer have to figure out my package routes when the code can do it for them

    • @JetstreamGW
      @JetstreamGW Месяц назад +254

      But, like... different websites give me different +4s for my address! I'm never sure which one is right! :P

    • @thomaslane1547
      @thomaslane1547 Месяц назад +26

      ​@@JetstreamGW Fascinating! Overlapping routes, maybe?

    • @JetstreamGW
      @JetstreamGW Месяц назад +20

      @ I have _no_ idea.

  • @rocbolt
    @rocbolt Месяц назад +492

    Back in the late 90's-early 00's when we still got video game demos on disc, there were often early game developer websites you could sign up to get free ones sent to you in the mail. They only let you order one per address, but I figured out that you could very lightly tweak or misspell things and the form thought it was a different address. Some of these demos I could resell for a few bucks so I set out to experiment and see out how much I could change my own address and still get the disc successfully. Turns out I could absolutely butcher the street, city, and state and even the house number sometimes and still get it to show up, but if any part of the zip was wrong, game over! Those never arrived

  • @CatMeowMeow
    @CatMeowMeow Месяц назад +256

    I love the postal service. You should do something about how international mail works. I've always wondered how the delivering postal service is compensated for the mail they deliver for other countries. Are there some sort of international agreements on it? How come usps has a single rate on letters to almost every country in the world? Surely some countries would demand more compensation than others?

  • @titengoesaway
    @titengoesaway Месяц назад +13158

    We are SO back.

    • @waywardmind
      @waywardmind Месяц назад +221

      You were JUST bitching about CGP Grey not posting videos that weren't selling a product, you human integrity void.

    • @titengoesaway
      @titengoesaway Месяц назад +153

      @ I asked politely and wearily where the real videos were BEFORE I saw the notification about this premier. I got my answer (and I’m very pleased with it!). So chill, please!

    • @titengoesaway
      @titengoesaway Месяц назад +117

      Hey, wait, you were the one who joked to ME that he’s “only making notebooks now.” Why are you coming at me for that? Whatever

    • @waywardmind
      @waywardmind Месяц назад

      @@titengoesaway You were complaining about Grey's output being purely commercial. (You sure as hell weren't "asking politely and wearily" and I was not joking to you -- I was reinforcing your stated fact). I responded that was true. Then you, here, under this video, backpedalled faster than a Trump appointee. I didn't. I agreed that, yes, he was only doing notebook sales videos under that notebook vide. You then commented here -- I mean, it's right FUCKING THERE, dude -- "We are SO back." Again, zero integrity: He's only doing notebook sales videos | WOOO! Videos are back!
      One video does not offset an entire year's worth of Grey not posting videos, but the second he made this one, your ass flipped instantly. That's the zero integrity element, champ. It's not tough.

    • @Ybalrid
      @Ybalrid Месяц назад +48

      @ You guys are now internet friends.

  • @sl600rt
    @sl600rt Месяц назад +3709

    Given Japan's street address system. They should probably adopt Ireland's post code.

    • @thomaslane1547
      @thomaslane1547 Месяц назад +59

      And then call the result a "zip" code, just to make trouble

  • @charredUtensil
    @charredUtensil Месяц назад +371

    This inspired me to check the map of ZIP codes, which reminded me that there are a few _single buildings_ in Manhattan which have their own 5-digit ZIP code, like 10112 (30 Rockefeller Plaza, where SNL is filmed). What I found most fascinating was that none the four largest buildings in Manhattan by square footage (55 Water Street, MetLife, 1WTC, and 111 8th Avenue) have their own five digit ZIP code.

  • @CamiloSperberg
    @CamiloSperberg Месяц назад +961

    4:32 hey, that looks like a Dutch postal code... Wait a minute, it IS a dutch postal code!

    • @Yorie1234
      @Yorie1234 Месяц назад +208

      It is the postal code of the Nederwaard in Kinderdijk. Which has a lot of windmills.

  • @nicfred500
    @nicfred500 Месяц назад +1003

    2:48 Unfortunately (according to a quick google search) this is called a "Sectional center facility" (SCF), not a "Sectional facility center".
    This, of course, doesn't matter at all.

    • @kkqc6347
      @kkqc6347 Месяц назад +260

      Don't let him see that, or there wont be a new video for a few years

    • @gabrielvarig
      @gabrielvarig Месяц назад +22

      Scotland has three arms!

  • @puellanivis
    @puellanivis Месяц назад +1823

    Please, for the love of all that is good: in most (at least many) cases the ZIP+4 uniquely identifies your address. If you’re going to block out your address, also block out at least the plus 4.
    As an example, someone shared an envelope, and blacked out their entire address except the ZIP+4, and after looking up that, I knew they lived in apartment number 14, because apartment 13 and 15 both had different ZIP+4s.

    • @oliviapg
      @oliviapg Месяц назад +257

      And this fact should be fairly clear by the length of the code if you think about it. 5+4=9 digits, which means 10^9 = 1 billion possible ZIP+4 codes. That's enough for 3 per person, and most people a) don't have 3 addresses and b) live with at least one other person. So even after factoring in all the corporate buildings and such which aren't tied to a particular person, it should still be enough for everyone to have a unique ZIP+4.

  • @psymar
    @psymar Месяц назад +1279

    My big complaint is that I keep trying to do my ZIP+4 only to have web forms refuse to accept the extra four digits because whoever DESIGNED THE ORDER FORM is quite certain a zip code is only 5 digits

    • @webbowser8834
      @webbowser8834 Месяц назад +40

      Most web forms that accept the +4 will have a separate field for the extra four digits, so that's your cue to grab the +4.

    • @psymar
      @psymar Месяц назад +88

      @webbowser8834 I mean I shouldn't be surprised web forms don't accept it, half of them don't accept the city I live in because it has a hyphen

    • @webbowser8834
      @webbowser8834 Месяц назад +35

      @ oof, that one is much less defensible.

  • @Benoit-Pierre
    @Benoit-Pierre Месяц назад +472

    7:45 did not foresee this fall 🤣

  • @devilkidhugger1199
    @devilkidhugger1199 Месяц назад +33

    I was in my mid-to-late teens when I stumbled upon this channel. I remember sitting down and binging everything you'd made, in chronological order. Your way of conveying information just resonated with me, in a way only my best teachers had managed. And I've stuck by, ever since.
    Today I'm 31. The sheer nostalgic joy of a video coming out, is incredible.
    If I could pick any person, to have a cup of coffee with, I'd pick you.

  • @danculln
    @danculln Месяц назад +148

    Took me a long time to realize the letter is addressed to Christopher Billop from the Staten Island video

  • @theg-man
    @theg-man Месяц назад +241

    Fun Fact: In Germany, from 1990 onwards, there was a four-digit postcode system. There was a problem: the postcodes often overlapped, for example 2300 was used for Stralsund and Kiel. There was a way to get around this: W (west) and O (east) were written in front of the number. That means O-2300 for Stralsund and W-2300 for Kiel. From October 24, 1991, the board of the German Federal Postal Service (today: Deutsche Post AG, or DHL Group for short) decided on a completely new five-digit system.

  • @thecollinanderson
    @thecollinanderson Месяц назад +12

    Fun fact, zip codes aren't actually required in the United States. They were introduced to make hand sorting faster but then we built machines that have a master list of every address in the country and the right zip code so they can figure it out automatically.
    So we never actually got to the point of making the zip code mandatory for normal people. It doesn't comply with USPS's recommended practices but your mail should still get to it's destination.

  • @jcoogs7149
    @jcoogs7149 Месяц назад +971

    As someone who has lived 90% of my life in New Jersey and Massachusetts, I always thought other states were weird for having zip codes that don't start with 0. Now I know the truth

    • @KaptenN
      @KaptenN Месяц назад +1

      Imagine if every zip code started with a 0.
      You'd have to wonder what that 0 was for. What is the government hiding? What happens if you remove the 0 or put a different digit there? Does it get delivered to subterranean lizard people?

  • @lukejodrey
    @lukejodrey Месяц назад +1482

    was kinda hoping you would go into more countries postal code systems

  • @pauldonlin3439
    @pauldonlin3439 Месяц назад +440

    Oh poor Grey... I can only imagine the rabbit hole that you went down to make this video and I love you all the more for it. Thank you again for tackling a complex topic and breaking it down with enough nuance to hint at the reasons for an imperfect system and how it came to be while also explaining it.

  • @Qril
    @Qril Месяц назад +423

    Gotta love the wild world of codes everybody has to live with but nobody understands

  • @Relkond
    @Relkond Месяц назад +303

    When mailing internationally... you probably should include the country. ON THE LAST LINE, below the postal code. Because the US sorters may not know a Canada post code from one in England. If the address ends 'Ontario, CA M5G 1X6', country before the postal code, your package *will* go on a trip to Ontario California.
    Same applies to mailing things to the US, the country one line down from the zip - otherwise the sorters may wig out and ship our international mail back to Japan or wherever it came from.

  • @GothmogTM
    @GothmogTM Месяц назад +261

    I drummed my feet against the floor at a new CGP Grey video and this did not disappoint. I was entranced, I laughed, I cried. It was an epic compressed to 7 minutes. Perfection.

  • @AkantorJojo
    @AkantorJojo Месяц назад +129

    Oh this is awesome.
    Ireland is btw killing it

  • @ozberkakbas6157
    @ozberkakbas6157 Месяц назад +283


  • @davidbenes
    @davidbenes Месяц назад +160

    It has been so long since last CGP Grey upload

  • @colin-halter
    @colin-halter Месяц назад +396

    Great video from famous notebook salesman CGP Grey!

  • @hawa7264
    @hawa7264 Месяц назад +36

    So Ireland's postcodes are a bit like traditional postcodes and Plus codes / OpenLocationCodes combined. Smart!

  • @gloriousthe1231
    @gloriousthe1231 Месяц назад +5

    Live in the uk, there's 2 houses on my postcode and I'm number 2 so postcode will work especially well with a house with a name and number whilst also not being number 2 on the road we live on :)

  • @novelyst
    @novelyst Месяц назад +1

    I've actually seen some comradery derived from post codes here in the UK ('the NE5 area' or such) so there's another advantage of not having things, just, random! I also met a cab driver who liked that he would know the general area of an address (in London) just by the postcode, since you often might not know the street.

  • @rahulhebbar1056
    @rahulhebbar1056 Месяц назад +14

    I absolutely love how all the latest videos (latest being relative since we get one post a year lol), I have the immediate reaction of "who cares, this seems so dumb" since in my head I naturally default to comparing new videos to the ones of days passed like "Rules for Rulers" or the election series. But boy am I always wrong and end up watching the new video with a wide grin as Grey takes a video that shouldn't be interesting and makes me so gripped I could watch for hours.
    I pray for new videos like "Rules for Rulers" since that literally changed how I viewed international policy and the world as a whole...but will still always enjoy these videos for the crazy rabbit holes that Grey subjects himself (and us) to!

  • @hawa7264
    @hawa7264 Месяц назад +66

    In Germany the purpose of zip codes is in the name. We call them postal guiding codes (Postleitzahl) as it guides the post on how to get to the final post office.

  • @RolledBread_01
    @RolledBread_01 Месяц назад +88

    Good to see you again !

  • @Ybalrid
    @Ybalrid Месяц назад +231

    0:22 France is "numeric"! We use 5 digit post codes!! How is this data not known?

  • @anifreak9454
    @anifreak9454 Месяц назад +23


  • @nickkytesla5897
    @nickkytesla5897 Месяц назад +202

    Not gonna lie, I was grinning ear to ear when i saw the notification of a new video. :D

  • @timothyhart4269
    @timothyhart4269 Месяц назад +9

    I bet after this video there will be a noticeable uptick in use of the last four digits by folks in the USA

  • @redbirdsrising
    @redbirdsrising Месяц назад +30

    I bet you loved using the new Minnesota flag on the stick figure’s skirt!

  • @Herdatec
    @Herdatec Месяц назад +33

    Postcode went a bit complicated in Germany after reunification, Imagine a country almost doubling in size. To keep most of the old numbering system they basically just added another number in front.

  • @JDBell
    @JDBell Месяц назад +113

  • @danielsanchez4881
    @danielsanchez4881 Месяц назад +399

    For multi-story apartment buildings, Ireland's postal code just gets you to the building, right? You still have to write apartment/unit information on the letter?

    • @WanJae42
      @WanJae42 Месяц назад +272

      There's actually a dotted notation you can append that specifies altitude (in standard potatoes), 4th dimensional offset, and time dilation increment. It's meant to work through a stargate, should any be found.

  • @Absorr
    @Absorr Месяц назад +48

    Do I smell some Bonnie Bee postal codes in other countries videos popping up soon?

  • @patty4349
    @patty4349 20 дней назад +1

    I got distracted at the zero code, remembering the address of the PBS show Zoom!

  • @donchaput8278
    @donchaput8278 Месяц назад +46

    Yesssssss! TY!

  • @cloverandanais
    @cloverandanais Месяц назад +54

    Rejoice! The wanderer has returned! 🍀

  • @theg-man
    @theg-man Месяц назад +9

    What's wrong with your thumbnails? Mostly in the older videos

  • @gpmaloney7493
    @gpmaloney7493 Месяц назад +43

    1:50 I dont mean to be THAT person, but you forgot 94 lol (only noticed cause I live there)

  • @MarkusAlkemus
    @MarkusAlkemus Месяц назад

    Looking forward to the sequel to go over more countries’ postal codes

  • @gloriousthe1231
    @gloriousthe1231 Месяц назад +2

    Thank God we got uk included was wondering if we were different to the us

  • @Sacerman
    @Sacerman Месяц назад +5


  • @loo1102001
    @loo1102001 Месяц назад +5

    I was thinking that Ireland's way might not work the same in Taiwan , we have too many apartments that have hundreds of unit inside.

  • @AlcherBlack
    @AlcherBlack Месяц назад +36

    During this dark week where we're hurtling faster than ever towards destruction from an uncaring (and now possibly Chinese) machine god, I did not know that I needed a CGP Grey video on postcodes. But it's exactly what I needed!

  • @djhakase
    @djhakase Месяц назад +137

    If you were to send 1000 letters to Irish postcodes, given you restrict it to one postal area in, say, central Cork, how many would be delivered?

  • @timschmidt5469
    @timschmidt5469 Месяц назад +32

    Éirinn go Brách!

  • @MrRoy512
    @MrRoy512 Месяц назад +28

    Rewatching already! Very nais

  • @oooSIDEooo
    @oooSIDEooo Месяц назад +47

    Just add a geohash for that mathematical perfection.

  • @AdrianChang-p2n
    @AdrianChang-p2n Месяц назад +4

    I want to move to Ireland now.

  • @skye.xv88
    @skye.xv88 Месяц назад +2

    And then in Hungary just every city has their own post code but boom the capital has like 230 different ones...

  • @Legority
    @Legority Месяц назад +7

    this is so fascinating omg

  • @Setesh93
    @Setesh93 Месяц назад +1

    Missed you Grey

  • @DoctorX17
    @DoctorX17 Месяц назад +2

    Taking bets on how many people are gonna try sending random letters to the Irish post codes featured [real or not]

  • @RC-1290
    @RC-1290 Месяц назад +13

    Is my resolution too low, or is the map accidentally orange above the Netherlands?

  • @AndrewKleinWW
    @AndrewKleinWW Месяц назад +3

    UPS still requires the zip code but doesn't use the same sorting centers, yes?

  • @boastern6031
    @boastern6031 Месяц назад +1

    New grey is not the highlight of my day I was expecting. But it’s sooooo welcome.

  • @KarinGootjee
    @KarinGootjee Месяц назад

    In the Netherlands your mail will arrive with just the post code and the housenumber! (So I think ours superious to the UK's :) )

  • @amdreallyfast
    @amdreallyfast Месяц назад +26

    You mean the zip code isn't a good way to bundle population statistics based on land proximity? Data shock!

  • @SenghorAkatetsuShirohana
    @SenghorAkatetsuShirohana Месяц назад +1


  • @adamwishneusky
    @adamwishneusky Месяц назад +5

    Christopher Billopp, a British loyalist who lived on satterlee st on staten island during the US Revolutionary war 🤓

    • @adamwishneusky
      @adamwishneusky Месяц назад +1

      Ohhh billopp is in grey’s video on the race for Staten Island 🤦🏻

  • @n0tsyl
    @n0tsyl Месяц назад +2

    So back.

  • @JesseHallett
    @JesseHallett Месяц назад +14

    It was interesting living in Grenada - despite my best efforts I couldn't find a ZIP for that country

  • @marcussaintly-ox8ue
    @marcussaintly-ox8ue Месяц назад +207

    Hopefully now we can get an explainer on what caused the delays and can expect more vids in the future! Hope whatever the issue was was transitory and wishing you well, Grey.

  • @KaptenN
    @KaptenN Месяц назад +188

    The downside to Ireland's method is that if their electronic infrastructure breaks down, the databases become unusable or the automatic sorting machines won't work, then humans are going to have a hell of a time sorting all the mail by hand...
    I'm a software engineer and I think it's incredibly dumb to make societal functions so heavily reliant on software that you cannot do the work by hand. Software should serve an assisting function, not be relied upon.

    • @rich9684
      @rich9684 Месяц назад +92

      I get what you’re saying but I think there will be bigger issues than sorting mail in that situation.

    • @WanJae42
      @WanJae42 Месяц назад +8

      Yeah, but think what a boon it will be to the print industry to make those address books!

    • @KaptenN
      @KaptenN Месяц назад +25

      @@rich9684 Not necessarily. It could be the only thing that fails, but the mail still needs to be delivered. The mail should be delivered even if there's a war or blackout. As long as it's not dangerous for the staff to go outside, the mail should be sorted and delivered. A small delay is fine, but you cannot have important societal functions come to a halt because of problems with computers or electricity.
      My point is that important functions must have redundancies that allow the work to be done manually. If you build your system in a way that REQUIRES computers to function, then you're building them for total collapse when something goes wrong.
      For an analogy: Imagine if car wheels locked up if the engine died. You couldn't roll to the side of the road or even push the car out of the way. You'd come to a complete standstill in the middle of a highway and couldn't do anything about it.

    • @ferdia
      @ferdia Месяц назад +29

      That's why we don't suggest only the Eircode. You should do both :)

  • @RoyalKingOliver
    @RoyalKingOliver Месяц назад +59

    5:24 I think this is the first time, in a long time, that someone other than Grey spoke more than two sentences with their mouth OPEN
    Dear lord Grey is evolving

  • @alexray230
    @alexray230 Месяц назад +41

    1:07 I'm sure this was just for rhyming purposes, but the suggestion that Maryland and West Virginia are in any way part of the south hurts me a little as a native Marylander

  • @PokerRageAH
    @PokerRageAH 10 дней назад

    I have to ask. at 0:22 what is going on in the middle east? Did I miss out on some Arab-Iranian Federation at some point?

  • @PendragonDaGreat
    @PendragonDaGreat Месяц назад +10

    I'm one of those weirdos that includes his +4 thank you very much.

  • @kalebjohnsen3487
    @kalebjohnsen3487 Месяц назад

    Y'know, as a Midwesterner, I kind of like Old Northwest better

  • @vhsjpdfg
    @vhsjpdfg Месяц назад

    On my house title, the zip code is incorrect due to the kind of re-organization you mentioned at the end that changed its zip code.

  • @kazzar831
    @kazzar831 Месяц назад +10

    CGP Grey in 2025?!

  • @Jomar1391
    @Jomar1391 Месяц назад +2

    I'm becoming a post code perfectionist!!!

  • @Ybalrid
    @Ybalrid Месяц назад +28

    So today we learn that Ireland is based

  • @sufthegoat
    @sufthegoat Месяц назад

    Hes back do a video on illinois

  • @BalooSJ
    @BalooSJ Месяц назад

    Is that the Boulder Dash music?

  • @Robyn817
    @Robyn817 Месяц назад

    Every Gray video is Yes but also as No

  • @jj003333
    @jj003333 Месяц назад +1

    That's so crazy

  • @augustoa.951
    @augustoa.951 Месяц назад +1


  • @maxruiz4066
    @maxruiz4066 Месяц назад +5


  • @delwoodbarker
    @delwoodbarker Месяц назад +16

    Thank you!
    Can we have American $5 coins now?
    Put Lincoln on them and then let go of the penny.

  • @PTNLemay
    @PTNLemay Месяц назад


  • @nicolofranco527
    @nicolofranco527 Месяц назад

    i'm too early

  • @JamesOKeefe-US
    @JamesOKeefe-US Месяц назад +1

    Hitting reverse at zero to hear Grey dropping the beat 🤣 Ery.. Ery.. Ery.. Ery letter!

  • @SamZweighaft
    @SamZweighaft Месяц назад

    Amazing, a video not about flags!

  • @spc7jax
    @spc7jax Месяц назад +218


  • @peeweevle2238
    @peeweevle2238 Месяц назад


  • @ymeynot0405
    @ymeynot0405 Месяц назад +1


  • @nebricback1430
    @nebricback1430 Месяц назад +1

    Let’s go