Baby!!!, Choose a man, designed to meet, your luxury, and high comfort standards. Me,Me,Me, Majestic!!!, Magnetic!!!, Marry, Me, May, Model!!!.Baby!!!, Awesome!!!, Aim, Act, And, Achieve, Actress1!!!.Mi piaci!!!, bellissima, sei cosi bella, molto bella, ti adoro, ti amo!!!.I love you!!!, ich liebe dich, je t'aime, te quiero, ti amo!!!.
Baby!!!, together we will rise to the peak of, love!!!, passion!!!, and pleasure, and a sea of unforgettable emotions.Bellissima!!!, sei cosi bella, molto bella, ti adoro, e, ti amo!!!.
Pertaining the guest, as shown down below, Dark…,another, jealous mother fucker, i think you should see a shrink!, because you are suffering from, a suicidal somnambulism!,crawl back to your lonely, and depressive hole.Archaeology of madness!, motherfucker.Goldie A, is.absolutely Gorgeous!, Charming!, Seductive!, and Unique!.