THE CARGO KILLA - MISC Hull C First Look & Tour | Star Citizen Ships
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-The MISC Hull C is finally here, so today I will give an in depth tour of its interior.
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Music Used:
-Miguel Johnson: migueljohnson....
-Pedro Macedo Camacho
-Geoff Zanelli
-Unofficial Soundtrack to Star Citizen
All info in this video is available to view at the RSI website found here: robertsspacein...
Star Citizen is an open development, crowd funded project from Cloud Imperium. Consisting of 2 games, Squadron 42 a single player, story driven campaign putting you in the middle of the Vanduul attacks as an up and coming UEE Navy pilot, and Star Citizen, a highly detailed
first person MMO set within a persistent universe where there are no limits. This includes, space, and ground aspects, massive spaceships with full interiors and interactions, a full dynamic economy which reacts to the players actions allowing for anything you can imagine.
It is all being built on the StarEngine (a modified version of Amazon's Lumberyard Engine).
Please bare in mind that this is heavily WIP and in an alpha state in which much of the foundational tech to make it a reality is still being developed. Both games do not have set release dates yet but you can play the alpha build for the PU MMO which makes consistent progress
with quarterly patch releases throughout the year.
I am an independent content creator and a fan of the game, I am not paid by Cloud Imperium however I do accept ships from them to giveaway to my community but this will by no means influence my opinion or what I say and believe about the project.
The two shields and their location make perfect sense. One for each half of the ship when its extended
Plus, not in the same place minimizes the risk of both being taken out in a single blow.
yea i think its more for when distortion ammo gets fixed
That narrow spindle looks like a weak spot to split the ship in half.
@@Glathgrundel well yes, that might be because its purpose build for transportation and not combat. I guess one of the reasons you won't see people fly these ships in dangerous areas.
Now I'm waiting for the physical damage model in hopes that someone will try to recreate that scene from SW3; "We're still flying half a ship."
So happy to have the Hull C in the hangar. The ship that ultimately sold me on pledging back in 2015. Space truckers unite!
It was worth the wait, what a beauty! Truck on, brother.
I’ll be there with ya!
Glad your still alive since you pledged in 2015. 8 years of waiting
19:53 "Shut down all the garbage smashers on the detention level, will ya? Do you copy? Shut down all the garbage smashers on the detention level!"
some of the over head panels said ECS which is environment control system on an aircraft.
I like the over all stile of your video and your voice is quite fitting to it. Nice work! You seem to get my favorite SC RUclipsr mate! ^^
So, I am watching this Hull C walk through and something occurred to me. No ship in Star Citizen has laundry facilities. If I am out for 6mo and no way to wash my clothes that ship is gonna be ripe before the cruise is over. Lol
Well you have the shower and kitchen sink. And who knows, maybe hard vacuum kills bad odors.
They really should have left that external catwalk, grat place to setup a clothesline!
That metal hatch with the "CAUTION" label on it in the engineering section is the dirty clothes storage compartment.
You don't what to open it without a full suit on. And any time you do, then you have to vent out and cycle the entire atmosphere in enginnering section.
It's a good looking ship. I sincerely hope there's gameplay to keep those who have pledged one entertained. Thanks for the tour, Mac!
A fantastic and detailed video. Thank you.
Can't wait to see REAL space truckin'!
Great video. I honestly don't think those suit lockers are for people getting IN the ship and change to a suit as you are not suppose to run around in your ship wearing big suits. I guess its more for suits you put on when you leave the ship to either work in zero gravity and/pr zero atmosphere.
To do your job on the ship, i guess civilian cloths are sufficient.
The level of detail is impressive.
Looks cool, I'll check in again in another 5 years!
I wonder if the lever valves will use US or UK standards. As I understand it, in US, the lever is open when in-line with the pipe and off when it's perpendicular, but it's the opposite in the UK.
That's gonna bug some people I'm sure lol
I'm pretty sure it's like in the US for most of the world.
My favorite part is the spooky engineering deck that may or may not contain a xenomorph.
Then you would love the Reclaimer.
Even its bridge is way spookier than anything on the hull c, the engineering section it's nightmare fuel.
@@qdaniele97 oh yeah, the reclaimer is just the Nostromo and i love it.
ICE is probably "intrusion countermeasure" an anti-hacking feature, for the data ships.
Seeing how big some of the components are, I wonder how we are going to get them into the ship
Yea that was the first question that came to mind for me as well. Where do you get those components out? The elevator is a level below in the front of the ship. The spindle and some of the doors are super small as well. I hope they keep that in mind for the bigger ships. Otherwise they might need to totally revamp the internal layout once that will be necessary.
Size 3 components (and larger) will require a shipyard to install and swap, so you won't be manually swapping them yourself, bc yeah, they're just too massive. Components will still have subcomponents to swap out or repair, though, so there'll still be plenty of gameplay w/o actually taking the entire component out.
@@thenecroleptThe question remains, it's far to big to be taken out the door, I wonder how the station gets it in
I'm pretty sure all of them are small enough to go through the doors.
About how will be able to move them, maybe turning off artificial gravity and using some havier-duty manual tractor beam device or something like that.
With salvaging, it looks very much like they are designing the ships so that holes can be punched anywhere and on any panel. Do you think they will allow that to happen for boarding actions? Will players be able to blow their own access points into chassis of a ship using shaped charges or from ship combat?
nice and very detailed video good job lad
5:58 where did the Devs say these panels will be able to check things on the ship? IIRC these are all just for aesthetics.
We also know the resource management gameplay is based on a relay system with nodes distributed throughout each ship (especially the big ones), and not just on components.
In a previous dedicated ISC, they showed the Hammerhead nodes web spousing the ship shape.
So, while just being currently aesthetics, there's a chance some of these panels have been placed for metrics purpose and will be replaced by interactive ones.
@@renaudabbadie8154ah yea I remember the Hammerhead relay video just not these panels being talked about at all
@@RicoZaid_ I remember they showed changing fuses somewhere to restore one branch of the system.
More recently, they rapidly presented the 3 engineer roles and there's also a sneak peek image with an engineer opening a maintenance panel in a corridor of the Hammerhead.
Obviously, they keep the juicy infos for CitizenCon. Wait and see.
@@renaudabbadie8154 yep I remember the fuses. I just don't remember them interfacing with these particular screens on the ship.
@@RicoZaid_ Yes, they didn't but It seems logical since the different systems are still in work in progress. However, they showed those kind of consoles in a test environment in order to control oxygen, heat, etc. The refueling console on the Starfarer is another example that works in game. Eventually, they can do what they want with their building blocks tools.
17:47 do they though? I would you exchange those components in the future? From the look of it you would have to get them out into the corridor, while not blocking the corridor with yourself since its too small for the component + an engineer. Then get it on the engineering lift, drag it all the way through the spindle and its small doors and into the small crew elevator. Not sure they even fit through all this.
As a boarder, I would come in the engineering airlock, disconnect the power plant and shield module
Really enjoy the videos & I am liking the Hull C. I think it could do with a weapons locker in engineering just incase you get boarded
How strange that the entire crew quarter can only be reached via the ladder and nothing that's too big for this shaft can ever get upstairs. It's almost like a Jefferies tube...
its hilarious how much of the stuff in ships is just hypothetical "will bes" and "eventuallys"
Great job Ryan, thank you! Love the look of the ship. I wonder why life support is in the front of the ship right next to the main entrance rather than in engineering?
Definately going to add a sniper rifle for ship defense in this one 😎.
The engineer should keep a sniper rifle in his locker down the end encase of boarders as that's a looong way for them to have to travel to get to the end of the ship.
I hope that we can one day ‘space’ people … bundle them into an airlock without a helmet, say some cold shit and then hit a ‘purge’ button.
Great gameplay for when we find a stow-away or capture a saboteur.
"Come on Mal, that ain't no way for a man to die!"
Big desing error, wenn you want to drink coffee on the Bridge you need to climb the ladder from habitation.
When Brige coffee maschine?
Ah I thought you couldn't access the rest of the ship if spindle was collapsed.
Are ship tractors working yet or are we still waiting? I'm very curious how long this is going to take to load and unload by hand
I think it will probably be best to pay for the automatic service to do the full load/unload at major trading station but the tractor beam will be usefull to drop or pick up some stuff here and there along the way.
Which is what most medium/smaller bulk cargo ships do this days: Take a big load of something from A to B and stop here and there to deliver equipment and stuff to smaller ports along the way.
It would be cool if we could play Star Citizen on the crew quarters computer!
the only ship right now that has interactable is the gladius, if I'm right. why they haven't done it with any of the other new ships. I have no clue.
It’s because the gladius is a major part of SQ42 so it gets more polish than the other ships
Yeah as mentioned by noideas, the gladius is the forerunner of the ships due to its large involvement in sq42. CIG were also spending time creating reusable interactions with a few various button types (pushed/toggles/rotary etc) to be used across all ships, instead of animating bespoke interactions for each individual cockpit. Check the player / machine physical interaction work on the progress tracker for more info on this, which coincidentally came to completion in July 👍
Maybe those panels will be relays.
Great, I have to try to sleep while dumkus and dweeble play cards and get drunk, or cook noodles.
the problem with this "game" is that what will be, not what IS
the defensive weapon suit is awful imo, the pilot guns should be a remote turret that a crewman can take control from the pilot of
CIG loves pilot controlled weapons on huge industrial ships, and rear facing turrets on military should be the opposite
Don't worry they'll take a shield generator away....
They'll find a way to NERF this ship all to hell after it's been sold enough!
They ALWAYS do!
Love your videos but the camera is quite squirrely this time!
Where is the hull B?
Extended dong? 😂😂😂 My monkey brain can't process the verb extend without shit deviations 😅
It's alright. When I saw how the ship looks on the HUD for shield I was like "why does this look like a dick?" Immediately had the Austin Powers radar scene pop into my mind. 😂😂
Your videos are more elongated than the Hull C , I dont need to see inside every module panel, every single fire extinguisher. I know it's a walk through but 4 minutes spent opening panels lol.
Looked around it yesterday, hated it, flys in atmo like a stuck pig, soooo slow, can't imagine what the D and E will be like. Glad I melted mine (tho can get it back for $200)
Its not for flying in atmo... its a brick that carries other bricks!
recon cargo container ships are any better?
Why would you be flying it in atmo? It's just for space station to space station travel.... It'd be like complaining that a train doesn't turn like a race car.
Looks cool but useless in full game, if that ever gets released, with it's baby tanks. C2 all day.