opinion on this shirt

You say you don't wear tanks? Why is that? I find tanks to be great to see my form especially in doing shoulders- delts, lats and arms. I don't like the muscle tanks that UA has. If that's what you are referring to yeah I'm not a fan. Is that shirt a compression style or just a size smaller than what you usually wear?

It's a compression shirt. It's a size large, I shoulda bought the XL.

I'm just not into tanks, and my wife hates them.
I wouldn't give a rat's ass. Wouldn't even think about it for a second. Were I forced to form an opinion, I would say that I'd never, ever wear a shirt like that. And if I ever did, people would surely be very confused about what the hell had happened.

So yeah, I don't think shirts like that look good on anyone. But I am completely indifferent about other peoples' clothes.
That was harsh.
I would wear less constricting through the lower half of the shirt. Mainly so it doesn't ride up and visually would draw less attention to your stomach area.
Let's face it, when we get older out bodies become more efficient at storing reserves!
i feel like when you wear a loose shirt to the gym you cant get as good a workout because you cant see the definition youre trying to achieve.
Too tight for the gym or anywhere else. Tight shirts scream " look at me!"
Not a good luck. I'm in really good shape and wouldn't be caught dead in that shirt
I seriously do not look at other people when I am at the gym. (I also don't tell people they look fat or skinny or hot or not.)

I'm not there to pick up anyone or be picked up. Wear no makeup and I sweat a lot. So looks to me mean nothing. It's all about comfort.

Wear what you want. (or what your wife wants, if it's that important.)

fat shamed... pfffft. (you know what I think about that!)
To OP, I think the shirt looks fine, and if it feels good, wear it. It appears it might be a little constricting at the join of chest and shoulder, but if it doesn't bother you, go for it.

Personally, I prefer to wear a moderately tight shirt to workouts. A mild/moderate compression allows me to sense when I'm losing tone or bulk, or gaining flab, etc. Too tight is when it's uncomfortable for me (some of those heavy duty compression things are kinda crazy). If people don't dig my digs, well at least I'm not wearing Dolphins or legwarmers. :wink:

A couple of poorly lit/shot examples. The last one is the tightest one I have and mostly just for funnin'.



To OP, I think the shirt looks fine, and if it feels good, wear it. It appears it might be a little constricting at the join of chest and shoulder, but if it doesn't bother you, go for it.

Personally, I prefer to wear a moderately tight shirt to workouts. A mild/moderate compression allows me to sense when I'm losing tone or bulk, or gaining flab, etc. Too tight is when it's uncomfortable for me (some of those heavy duty compression things are kinda crazy). If people don't dig my digs, well at least I'm not wearing Dolphins or legwarmers. :wink:

A couple of poorly lit/shot examples. The last one is the tightest one I have and mostly just for funnin'.




I've looked at these pics for a very long time..... I.. I don't see any shirts...

but what I DO see.... :eek::eek: :smile: :firedevil:
I don't see anything wrong with the shirt OP, you look great.

for what it's worth I always wear fitted shirts when I work out (and it's not a vanity thing, I work out at home) because there is nothing worse than the feeling of a soaked-with-sweat loose shirt flopping around. For weight training it's not such a big deal but for high intensity cardio or yoga? yuck.

I say work out in what works best for you. Just don't be that guy doing reps mesmerized by his own reflection in the mirror, there is no wardrobe on the planet that can make that look hot :)