My Jack Russell Skip has cancer and is in his final days which breaks my heart. the sweetest dog with a great personality. He loves rides on the boat and always loves it when we see Dolphins. So yesterday morning I took my boat to my new house for the first time and brought him with me. I had my neighbor drive since he knows the water and there's a tricky spot with oyster beds. Just as we entered the channel a family of Dolphins with a very young baby came right up to us and swam around and under the boat all the way to my dock!
Here's a video we shot. My gopro ran out of battery so I didn't get the part as we pulled up to my dock they swam under the boat and splashed us with their tails. it was so amazing almost as if they were saying "see ya later" or something. Skip had a great time and perked up more than I've seen him in a while.

Just thought I'd share this with you guys.