Owner's Thoughts On The Honda Hornet 750


Комментарии • 141

  • @lovingmylifeasIage6741
    @lovingmylifeasIage6741 Год назад +8

    Nice bike talk between 2 experienced riders who aren't trying to sell. Refreshing.

  • @rayletaxi
    @rayletaxi Год назад +6

    Brilliant format ER. I loved the simple chat and opinions as to why that bike, also what he would change. This makes a big difference talking to someone who has already shelled out the money rather than just another reveiwer.

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      Exactly mate, Thanks very much for watching.

  • @EpicMotorcycleAdventures
    @EpicMotorcycleAdventures Год назад +1

    “Listen to one in my video” love it ER. Great video for anyone thinking about getting the new Hornet.

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +1

      😂Plug where possible 👍thanks for watching, something different a 📺👍

  • @paulegan7250
    @paulegan7250 Год назад +1

    Hiya, Good video, thanks, it was good to hear from an owner especially being asked all the right questions by you. Cheers

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      Glad you enjoyed it, Thanks Paul

  • @BeansOnToast_YT
    @BeansOnToast_YT Год назад +1

    Well thanks for this, interesting to hear what an owner had to say, thankfully didn't seem to be any shocks 😊
    They are selling well I hear.

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +1

      They are mate, now on a back log it seems til September/October.

    • @BeansOnToast_YT
      @BeansOnToast_YT Год назад

      @@exeterrider Yes good for Honda, I'm going to hang on through winter to think about it, it's only the extra electrical things that are putting me off.

  • @DC_Cha_Cha_Cha
    @DC_Cha_Cha_Cha Год назад +2

    Really good to listen to an owners opinion on theirs. I ordered mine in April, and it was due July, but has been delayed til August (any colour is now on a longish wait list apparently).

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +1

      Yes , the bikes are selling very well indeed! And for good reason...you will be pleased when its here : )

    • @MrJanka64
      @MrJanka64 Год назад

      I was very lucky! I went to the dealership for a quote and instead it was there ready for be mine ! Seen, liked, bought . (White pearl, best color imho)

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      Agreed... Congrats😊👍

  • @quinnpeaksbiker
    @quinnpeaksbiker Год назад +1

    Great video, good to hear about a very interesting bike! Thanks for sharing 🙏

  • @TheRhythmicBiker
    @TheRhythmicBiker Год назад +2

    Glad to see you could get Nick on the channel to share his views on the bike, always great to get an owners point of view.
    Enjoyed this format mate (veryWolf Tales like😉)
    Whilst I'm not the biggest fan of the looks of the new Hornet, they are selling very well, people are really going for them and as always I'm sure they will age well and indestructible like every Honda ever built💪
    Great video mate, keep up the great work fella

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +1

      Very WolfTales😮 I think you will find one was doing this style for many years now,the slanderous comment has been passed to my legal team 😂 Here the green screen was good wasn't it!.
      Yes they are selling really well for sure RB, and will be selling well for a few years yet I expect.
      The Transalp really appeals to me and will hopfully get one this year to play on sometime.
      Thanks for your time, legal case is pending for now.

    • @TheRhythmicBiker
      @TheRhythmicBiker Год назад

      @@exeterrider Ahah I’ll get my lawyers prepared😂

  • @paullee6663
    @paullee6663 Год назад +1

    ER I think you have the Sport Pack and the Design Pack on your test bike which adds £900+ Great video! Always good to hear from an owners experience.

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      You are correct, I will on this comment to correct that. Thanks @paullee6663

  • @Stefan_trekkie
    @Stefan_trekkie Год назад +7

    One of the things that puts me away from all similar design bikes is the insect front look, too sharp lines and the minimalistic fenders. Rain protection is one of the most important things for me that I look in to bikes from first glance. I had CBR 600 F2 long time ago and the bike had huge rear sub fender + very good front one.. The spoilers cover the legs end the knees.. Not a drop on me on wet roads. And before you say that is 'only good weather fun bike' .. They do that even on modern touring or sport touring bikes. It's not fashionable to have huge fenders, isn't it?

  • @findingneutral
    @findingneutral Год назад +1

    Great information. Thanks 👍

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +1

      Hope it helps, thanks 🍻

    • @findingneutral
      @findingneutral Год назад

      @@exeterrider Definitely does. I've been on a CB500X for 2 years and would like to graduate up to a sportier more street oriented Honda. Besides the seat this bike seems like the one. Upholstery shop for sure on that bit. Hope they come state side. Heard the Transalp was so 🤞 on the 🐝.

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +1

      @@findingneutral Transalp is even better! Vid coming soon... Ish👍🍻

    • @findingneutral
      @findingneutral Год назад

      @@exeterrider Excellent...

  • @icedidi
    @icedidi Год назад +7

    great chat despite the bloke on the left 😆

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +4

      Yes I agree but he's all I could afford.

  • @Saddlebags73
    @Saddlebags73 Год назад

    Great chat, you two. Really enjoyed that 👍🏼

  • @quentinjackson6015
    @quentinjackson6015 Год назад +1

    I appreciated the informality of this 'bike chat' video - Thanks. The Transalp looks to be such a promising bike, but for me I'm disappointed that Honda didn't go with tubeless wheels. For those who only ever ride solo the Hornet is definitely a sporty bargain! Cheers.

    • @splodge57
      @splodge57 Год назад +1

      Fancied a TransAlp but not at £2500 more than the Hornet and with tube tyres. The Suzuki GSX 800S is worth a look. Nice video, cheers to you both.

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      I am sorry to say with all that was going on when I had the bike I didn't double check this! I thought they were tubeless, so Thanks for the heads up on that!

  • @GapBahnDirk
    @GapBahnDirk Год назад +2

    What better than to hear the thoughts of an owner? The one thing that Icedidi would change as it turned out, was the bike! 😂😂🤣🤣. As a fan of mid size bikes, I think that I would go for the venerable SV650 over the Hornet, all things considered now. I do like the Transalp though!

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +2

      Yes funny how this story turns out isn't it😂 Kinda kills this video don't you think 😂

    • @GapBahnDirk
      @GapBahnDirk Год назад +1

      @@exeterrider It is still a good video and a useful take on the Hornet. 👍👍

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      @@GapBahnDirk 🙏👍

  • @flatcapcaferacer
    @flatcapcaferacer Год назад

    Really enjoyed the discussion, great idea👍👍

  • @johndiehardmclean23
    @johndiehardmclean23 Год назад

    Another great one ER mate & totally agree with you on colour choice, as those red forks are stunning! 👍😎
    When's your Trans review coming, oh wait I better save any confusion & call it Transalp? 😉👍

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +1

      The Trans is already out John*************Sorry yes I am gagging to get on the Transalp . Just a matter of when I can have it really!? m Thanks dude : )

  • @rockingrodders8551
    @rockingrodders8551 9 месяцев назад

    It has turn by turn navigation with audio not on the display..so intercom needed for turn by turn..test rode the honda hornet 750 the other week and can't wait to go a snap one up..love it..✌🏻

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  9 месяцев назад +1

      It's a brilliantly put together bike 👍

  • @davidhawkins120
    @davidhawkins120 Год назад +1

    Interesting chat, typical Honda give you a bike with all the bells & whistles, then give you a plank to sit on! Been subscribed to Nick's channel since he had the Enfield, highly recommended👍👍

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +1

      Hes a top chap Dave as you know. Hope your well mate : )

    • @davidhawkins120
      @davidhawkins120 Год назад

      @@exeterrider Hope you had a good weekend away🍺

  • @paulfowler7618
    @paulfowler7618 Год назад

    I commented on your first review as well as I live in the Ilminster area and also have a new white Hornet as a second bike and it's brilliant. I have a quick shifter, heated grips and the wheel stickers on mine. Like Nick I owned a TZR125 and in fact passed my test on one in 1990. Will find his channel and send him a message. Oh and yes White is the best colour

  • @crumblymal8479
    @crumblymal8479 Год назад

    Interesting and informative ER I do like these and would choose one over the transalp without doubt . I have no doubt a decent looking screen will come about think for me I will wait and see how the used market goes but for sure it's up on my list in the not to distant , great to hear an actual owners point of view 👌👍

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +1

      Thanks CM, I am kinda glad he picked up on what I was thinking and what I said in the review regarding the seat etc not a deal breaker though. Hope your well : )

  • @PhilipKerry
    @PhilipKerry Год назад

    I've only just got the notification for this video .... Isn't You Tube amazing .... Great video anyway buddy 😎

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      Welcome back! Yes it does weard things like that. Thanks Phil, hope your getting on OK.

  • @chrisddr3
    @chrisddr3 Год назад

    I would really appreciate your input. I am looking at either:
    *New Hornet 750
    *R850R ‘94 w injection, cases, 7k miles ABS, heated grips, perfect condition, 1 owner, shaft drive
    -less than half the price
    Which would you choose and why? I like the idea of shaft drive and the beemer seems like a solid choice, what do you think?

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      Hi chris , that is a tough one. The BMW is a real one off and they do prove very reliable , however it is the type of bike which as much as you play with it ,there will always be something that isnt quite right....The BMW around town can start to feel a bit of a monster to move around by hand etc.
      MOST importantly !!!!!!those ABS units were a total failure and most of the R range had them chopped out which I would HIGHLY advise if you do get it....for me as much as I like the R850...I would never buy a ABS version for that reason.
      I would be interested in seeing the link of it so email me the link if you want.
      The Hornet will last longer, be less trouble and do what it says on the tin with no hassle..
      But yes its more money!

  • @DavidSmith-hn5gg
    @DavidSmith-hn5gg Год назад +1

    The most expensive thing for it is the SC Project exhaust at £900 and it’s not the sports pack on the grey bike it’s a mixture of the sport pack and style pack.

  • @lilynorthover8378
    @lilynorthover8378 Год назад

    Very interesting to hear an owners point of view. Apart from the seat, a fun bike. The Trans Alp is tempting many but it is another 3 grand. Probably more of an all rounder though🤔

  • @densil101
    @densil101 Год назад

    Great video and very informative. Although am I the only one thinking…David Brent?

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      A? What I'm like david brent🤣?

  • @markfranks1329
    @markfranks1329 Год назад

    A nice presentation of two blokes chatting about bikes. Despite reservations regarding this machine, I can now see that it's a bike that has broad appeal across the biking spectrum.
    I do need to ask, however, that out of balance, you should, if you haven't already, also review Suzuki's new '8S. I've seen many who've tested the CB, raved about it, then tested the '8S and it's made them think again about the Honda, not because the Suzuki is ultimately better, but because it's made the tester realise the Honda isn't the only kid on the block.
    Taking subjective issues like colour and looks out of the equation, it would be interesting to hear your views after your recent and comprehensive review of the Honda.👍

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      Thanks Mark, yes I can only comment on the bikes that people let me have. Honda have been great but unless Suzuki let me do my thing on the 8s then I can only comment on what I have tried.
      Hopfully I'll be able to get my hands on a 8s sometime.
      Thanks for your time watching.

    • @markfranks1329
      @markfranks1329 Год назад

      @@exeterrider That's totally understandable. I appreciate your response. Thank you.
      Looking forward to future reviews. 👍

  • @martinehulme8743
    @martinehulme8743 Год назад

    I started on a dt50, dog down my coat.. I'm fancying a yellow hornet next year ❤

  • @TR5T
    @TR5T Год назад

    The most impressive thing is the SOHC that activates the exhaust valves with rockers riding the onboard lobes. Adjustment should be a doddle.

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      From my experience all Hondas are ready to work on tbh, thanks 👍

  • @johntheaccountant5594
    @johntheaccountant5594 Год назад +1

    I would be changing the oil and oil filter at 4,000 miles, not the suggested 8,000 miles.

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +1

      I totally agree. It seems to be a battle of who has the longest schedule these days!

  • @richardcasey7521
    @richardcasey7521 Год назад

    Transalp has a 21 inch front wheel. I own one and really like it. What is the other Honda in this video?

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      I have lots coming up on the Transalp, and a full review next year.....The other Honda in this video????? They were both Hornets!?

  • @roberthallas349
    @roberthallas349 Год назад

    Hi ER, quick question, where did you buy your Black Widow exhaust? I’ve got an SP Engineering big bore silencer, but my header pipe is Orem, I want to put a stainless steel header on my 2015 NC750X dct, but I’m not sure we’re to get one, any idea’s? Thanks. 😎🏍😀👍

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      Hi Rob,
      I bought mine from Black Widow directly. They are quite helpful...Give them a call to check perhaps.

    • @roberthallas349
      @roberthallas349 Год назад

      @@exeterrider ER, thanks for that, I really appreciate it, and thanks for the videos, very enlightening, (subscribed), looking forward to seeing the next one. Cheers. 😎🏍👍😀

  • @philhogarth9492
    @philhogarth9492 Год назад +1

    I have one in the same colour but got the small tinted screen and wheel tapes on as well. It is a ton of fun to ride but being a naked you do get buffeted a bit. Had it 2 months and 700 miles done so far. Great bike but am starting to get my head turned by a yellow vstrom

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      Always good to hear from owners Phil. Thanks

  • @papatorr3669
    @papatorr3669 11 месяцев назад

    So which model is the gray silver bike on the right of the screen? It looks like another hornet to me but it has different plastic bits.

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  11 месяцев назад

      Thats right, 2 different colours shown here : )

    • @papatorr3669
      @papatorr3669 11 месяцев назад

      @@exeterrider OK, thanks. I missed the part where you introduced your bike. The Honda website only mentions the red frame in either tank color, whereas yours is black. And the plastic parts are different too.

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  11 месяцев назад

      @@papatorr3669 it sometimes changes. Mine was a early model and one of the first.
      Its hard to know what they are doing sometimes 😂👍

  • @PwnstarUK
    @PwnstarUK Год назад

    There are KTMs they match exactly the 790 duke and the 790 adv I’d love to see 2023 comparisons.

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +1

      Yes they are quite close although won't match Hondas reliability record.

  • @moonshinepz
    @moonshinepz Год назад

    Nice one. so it's like a Hornet, but better. 👍

  • @johntheaccountant5594
    @johntheaccountant5594 Год назад

    I waited for the Honda 750 Hornet but prefer the Honda CB650R that I was looking at before the Hornet was announced.

  • @paullee6663
    @paullee6663 Год назад

    I'm not sure if I was looking at buying a Kawasaki W800 I'd consider the Interceptor a competitor if I'm honest. Don't take my word for it, maybe you could ask Uncle Longbeard if he considered the Interceptor when he bought his W800 and whether he would have been happy to take the Interceptor on his tours instead. 30,000 miles in, all over Europe....🤔

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      I guess it comes down to budget perhaps...Euro5 killed off the W800 anyway sadly.

    • @paullee6663
      @paullee6663 Год назад

      @@exeterrider guess it comes down to budget perhaps...
      Exactly my point.
      Euro5 killed off the W800 anyway
      Another great bike lost because of legislation. I'm having serious problems in Wales (my usual 'hunting ground') finding 'Premium' fuel. I think I have to admit defeat and buy something that's able to handle E10.

  • @vonsarg
    @vonsarg Год назад

    Had a test ride yesterday with a view to buying one but could not get on with the engine braking and the engine is no where near as much fun as the Yamaha mt07

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +1

      Sorry to hear that, TeHone hasengine braking settings. Perhaps they were set wrong for you? I find the both fun.

  • @ktkace
    @ktkace Год назад

    Pity they dont add wings to the front to help with the front end feel at speed... even the cfmoto sr450 have wings that add 1kg downforce at 55mph...

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      Id rather they didn't, more drag then. I'll go for economy, the Michelin tyres are decent anyway

  • @wesley290
    @wesley290 Год назад

    Nice bike. Not liking how Honda have already added £300 onto the price. I hate the permanently lit indicators. That would have to be changed😡. Desperately needs a rear hugger and a proper front mudguard too.

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      Everythings going up mate, yeap the hugger would be nice. Transalp vid coming soon

  • @blackbriar7281
    @blackbriar7281 Год назад +1

    the Seat is killing my ass rute 100km but the bike is very fun to ride

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      Yes it does let down a very good bike

  • @paullee6663
    @paullee6663 Год назад

    Incidentally the 'Tour Pack' Icedidi has fitted is £765.

  • @seancarter8006
    @seancarter8006 Год назад +2

    Apparently this guy has since sold the Hornet and bought a Transalp instead!! 😂😂😂

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      Yeap, funny ending to this one 🤣I'll be seeing him again soon 🤣😉👍

    • @seancarter8006
      @seancarter8006 Год назад

      ​@@exeterridertbh the Transalp sounds a better bike for his needs...I bet he lost an absolute pile 💰 with the Hornet though 😢

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      @seancarter8006 maybe, although the hornet will be nearly new so the dealer would have set up a very good deal I expect especially if it read a "in/out" with pcp perhaps.

  • @jimsadler8704
    @jimsadler8704 Год назад

    The Hornet is a smashing bike, ER, and it's a great pity it's a tad too small for me. I put that down to having to eat 3 Shredded Wheat for brekkie when I was younger.
    The lump of bent plastic manufacturers call a front mudguard nowadays is a joke. The likes of Indian, Ducati, MV, etc., might as well leave their offerings off.

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      Even better in the flesh as you know Jim. But yes too small for you. The Transalp may fit better. We will soon find out!

    • @jimsadler8704
      @jimsadler8704 Год назад

      @@exeterrider It's a nice thought, ER, but as the frame is identical on the Hornet and the Transalp I don't hold out much hope.

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      @@jimsadler8704 I guess so Jim, my thoughts were it may have a higher seat with the 19 inch wheel etc, but yes it's going to be much the same 👍

  • @simonchilli2088
    @simonchilli2088 Год назад

    I prefer the look of this to the Suzuki GS-8

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +1

      I think I do as well, both good bikes though.

  • @The.JZA.
    @The.JZA. Год назад

    I’m interested in this bike but I think the engine itself looks really boring. I mean visually, the engine looks very plain. So many other motors have more design and visual appeal but Honda for some reason made the engine look basic in the CB750. Take a look at the engine styling of the CB650R with the bronze accents and the ribs/lines etc all over it. It looks way cooler. And if you want to see a really awesome looking engine, take a look at the Duke 890 R.

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      I kinda get what you mean there, But the engine does perform very well. you're right though its not as good looking as many others....having said that the rest of the bike makes up for that.

    • @The.JZA.
      @The.JZA. Год назад

      @@exeterrider Mmmm I’ll reserve final judgement until I see it in person but from photos and videos, it doesn’t do it for me. If Honda sold the CB650R as a full power model in NZ then I would buy that over the CB750.

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +1

      Fair comment mate. For me the 4 cylinder engines are more comfortable higher in the rev range. I prefer to keep low in the rpm range for every day riding myself.
      Everybody is different, I did enjoy my time with the cb650 but just not for me and it felt a little small to me🍻👍

    • @The.JZA.
      @The.JZA. Год назад +1

      @@exeterrider Fair call mate. I haven't ridden either of them and haven't even seen them in person. I'm sure the torquey power delivery of a twin is better for off the bottom grunt but from what I have seen, the CB650R still gets up and goes pretty well too. I don't need the fastest machine on the planet, I am upgrading from a Duke 390 and I used to own a LAMS MT07. I might even just stick with the Duke 390 because it's a fantastic bike and I can't find any other bikes that really sing to me other than the CB650R but as I said before, Honda doesn't sell the full power version in NZ and it's illegal to derestrict a leaner bike. I'd probably buy the Duke 790 if it was available in NZ but at this point it doesn't seem to be.

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +1

      Yeap the 650 really shifts for sure...funny how brands dont sell certain bikes in certain countries.

  • @jackmcminn2520
    @jackmcminn2520 Год назад

    Caint believe they didnt put a 180 tire on these bikes

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +1

      It would have been nice but then again more money....It worked for me as it was tbh

    • @jackmcminn2520
      @jackmcminn2520 Год назад

      @@exeterrider caint wait to hear these bikes with aftermarket exaust they sound pretty good allready

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +1

      @@jackmcminn2520 yeap your right there, for me it sings quite nicely already. Lovely bikes 👍

  • @henrysmith5604
    @henrysmith5604 Год назад +2

    I have the other seat it’s more comfortable

  • @Finnv893
    @Finnv893 Год назад

    The newer ktm dukes are *really* out there, the hornet aspired to be like that but felt reservation at every spike end, like the person at the nude beach who will only get nude in water😂.

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +1

      or the ones that stay fully clothed like me just enjoying the views.

    • @Finnv893
      @Finnv893 Год назад

      ​@@exeterriderthe concept art looks so good though.......

  • @jimh2061
    @jimh2061 Год назад +2

    Hahahaha age 16 in 1994. He looks like he is in his 60s not late40s.

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +1


    • @jeremyr62
      @jeremyr62 Год назад +3

      I had to work out how old he was too. I reckon he is being economical with the truth.😀

  • @stevesane800
    @stevesane800 Год назад +2

    My 8S is better looking & a real world bottom end torque is perfect. Both bikes look like CB500s…

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад +2

      Good your pleased with it : )

    • @Mr450pro
      @Mr450pro Год назад

      Yea, but there is no top end power on the 8s, plus it’s down 10hp compared to the Hornet… so one word only Meh!

    • @exeterrider
      @exeterrider  Год назад

      @@Mr450pro Top end the hornet flys!

    • @wesley290
      @wesley290 Год назад

      Saw a newish cb125 that looks exactly the same too, but others have said it even looks like a 2013 cb500f. Honda are the epitome of conservative (googling confirmed this) . The hornet sounds good though.

  • @peetee5229
    @peetee5229 Год назад

    Nice bike but the Trident 660 my preferred choice.

  • @mr1bienvenu1
    @mr1bienvenu1 9 месяцев назад

    New bike are just too ugly 😢