Hump Day Booty of the Day

Hump Day Booty

One of my Pete Peeves, which is Pet’s brother…is when people say “Happy Monday” or “Happy Friday” like get the fuck out of here with your implications that today is meant to be happy, or that any day is happy, unless it’s my fucking birthday, don’t wish me a happy day.

My other Pete Peeve is when people say “Happy Hump Day” or refer to Wednesday as a HUMP in the week, that we are about to get over as we go into tomorrow.

I don’t have a fucking job, the middle of the week means nothing to me, you basic fucks…keep that office banter to your fucking self.

So it’s only natural, I’d do a HUMP DAY Post…because I like how booty more than I hate Hump Day as a concept!


Hump Day Booty of the Day May 6th, 2020