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Jan 30, 2016 5:52 PM

May 2013
with nice duel between close and haruka and their resolve: Close and Haruka realized dream and zetsubou like side of coin. I think this is safe ending, because zetsubou like belief cannot be killed easily. you just compromised with them.
farewell between haruka and kanata so sad.
and nice epilogue when they already adult. :D
Goodbye gopri, I loved this show till the end.

see you next time in mahopri.
megmicaJan 30, 2016 6:07 PM
Jan 31, 2016 1:57 AM

Sep 2015
I cried.

The battle between Flora and Close was beautiful, both of them pretty much the epitome of hope/dream and zetsubou. They will never be erased completely. Priceless.

One day if zetsubou come down again, there will be new princesses waiting for them.

The farewell of Haruka and Kanata, Haruka's cry implies many things. Sadly both of them will never be a thing i guess? But who knows, maybe they will meet again and fall in love.

So in the end we never knows how and what Haruka's future will be, seeing her grown up is enough for now. Everyone have gone of to realise their own dream, i believe they will meet again in the future.

Goodbye GoPri, really love this show.

See you guys next time in MahoPri.
valvravetruthJan 31, 2016 2:01 AM
Jan 31, 2016 7:34 AM

Nov 2009
What a bitter sweet ending and the final clip after the ending credits.
Their dreams came true and both worlds had to say goodbye to each other.

7,5 going to place it as a 8 to show the difference with the other Pretty Cure series.
Jan 31, 2016 4:45 PM

Jun 2011
This was a very enjoyable season for me, definitely one of my personal favorite Precure shows in a long while.

I cried so much these last two episodes, it's a shame that it has to end.

It was fun watching Haruka, Minami, Kirara, and Towa grow up this entire season.

Well, onwards to Mahou Tsukai Precure~

Feb 1, 2016 12:52 PM

Jan 2013
So... if they have a new key can they go to Hope Kingdom again or they will need a parfume to do so?
It is so sad when two worlds cannot be connected... Why Toei, why...

First time completing a precure anime :D
Feb 1, 2016 10:05 PM
Jun 2011
wishkas said:
So... if they have a new key can they go to Hope Kingdom again or they will need a parfume to do so?
It is so sad when two worlds cannot be connected... Why Toei, why...

First time completing a precure anime :D
i think they will need perfume like when they were precure and yes sad that two worlds cannot be connected
Feb 4, 2016 12:21 AM

Nov 2012
what a great ending to the series, and seeing the girls all grown up in the end was awesome too. <3
Feb 4, 2016 8:51 AM

Jun 2013
Great ending.
Best precure series so far IMO
Feb 4, 2016 6:34 PM
Jun 2013
A good final episode for one of the better Precure series (about equal to Heartcatch)... and the first Precure series that I actually _finished_ before the start of the next series ... well, save for movie(s), but that can be said for many of us here.
One thing that I liked out of this episode that hasn't been mentioned yet is that they brought back Pafu's and Aroma's human forms one last time, which when you think about it, was something that they could have done more within the series.
So, onward to Maho Girl Precure!
Feb 5, 2016 2:24 PM
The Destroyer.

Feb 2013
The ending reminded me kinda of Sailor Moon's with what chaos' role was. This was definitely one of the best seasons, even the few filler episodes were enjoyable. The only thing that disappointed me was Towa as an overall character; She did not have good development and most of the times she came off as a big Mary Sue... unlike Setsuna/Cure Passion. Also I thought we would see more of the previous Precure.

I still wonder if Haruka was satisfied. Seeing how everyone got their dream except her was sad... But at least realistic enough. Hopefully the next season follows this format.
Feb 8, 2016 11:11 AM

Sep 2014
This show ended beautifully. My first Precure series and I absolutely loved it. Haruka was perfect, the other 3 were fantastic, Yui was just amazing, Pafu and Aroma and Kanata and just everyone!

What a fantastic ending to a brilliant show, I cried so many times during the show and even at the ending two episodes. Well done Go Princess Precure :D
Feb 9, 2016 9:57 PM
Aug 2015
lfhoule said:
A good final episode for one of the better Precure series (about equal to Heartcatch)... and the first Precure series that I actually _finished_ before the start of the next series ... well, save for movie(s), but that can be said for many of us here.
One thing that I liked out of this episode that hasn't been mentioned yet is that they brought back Pafu's and Aroma's human forms one last time, which when you think about it, was something that they could have done more within the series.
So, onward to Maho Girl Precure!

I really agree with this. Go Pri was as good as HeartCatch. I really enjoyed this whole thing. I had so much feels that this Precure season was the first season that almost made me cry. Everything was good. The fillers did not even feel like fillers.
Feb 9, 2016 10:01 PM
Aug 2015
Rayla said:
This was a very enjoyable season for me, definitely one of my personal favorite Precure shows in a long while.

I cried so much these last two episodes, it's a shame that it has to end.

It was fun watching Haruka, Minami, Kirara, and Towa grow up this entire season.

Well, onwards to Mahou Tsukai Precure~

I just wanted to see this season again. I really would not mind it. The way the story was written. This is . Just . Perfect. I felt so happy everytime Go Princess releases a new episode each week. I am truly saddened that it had ended. I wanted more. They should make an epilogue or an exclusive episode. PLEASE TOEI DO THAT
Mar 1, 2016 3:13 PM

Dec 2014
Nice ending. I honestly cried during when they parted away with Towa.

This is by far the best season, HeartCatch and Smile following behind. The pacing and the storyline were almost perfect. The technical aspects were also amazing (DAT ANIMATION AND ENDING THEMES!).

I liked almost all of the main characters, Towa being my main favorite, although Haruka came a close second (her character growth is incredible). The only issues I had with this season are probably Dyspear, who is a generic main villain and that the CGI can be off-putting at times.

8/10 overall. I'm putting it to my favorite list and Towa in my top 10 favorite characters list.
KOZ8888Apr 27, 2016 4:02 AM
Jun 11, 2016 12:48 AM

Jun 2009
I'm taking the flower petals blowing and Haruka looking back and smiling at the camera as her seeing Kanata appearing; since the flowers usually blow like that a lot like when he disappeared when she met him for the first time.

Just my interpretation :3
Mar 24, 2017 11:39 AM

Jun 2014
Awesome finally for a really great anime.
My only complain was that the fight itself wasn't that great, but Close saved the day in that regard.

Pretty much every character gets closure, no matter how minor thier are, which is very impressive.
Really like the post credit scene were they are all grown ups.

As for the anime as a whole: I love it.
Not every fight scene was great, but most them were really fucking good.

The entire cast is fantastic.
From the Cures (Kirara best girl) , to the villains (which get a supsring amount of development) and even the supporting cast.
Even the plot was great, which isn't that common for a magical girl show.

Now, do I like this season more than Heartcatch?
I really don't know. It's really fucking close, so I will call it tie for now.
Smile is at the bottom for sure, but I still really like it.
Apr 6, 2017 10:34 PM

Jan 2014
Nice little fight with Close and good moral about both despair and dreams being impossible to completely destroy. Learning to compromise is a sign of maturity and the conclusion Haruka came to during her little skirmish with Dyspear's last servant was a nice showcase of her growth as a person. I actually enjoyed the whole thing a lot more than the fight with Dyspear, which was a bit underwhelming as far as a Boss fight goes.

This season was incredibly good, not gonna lie. The main cast was extremely likable, with varied motivations, personalities and character arcs, and there was a near perfect balance between episodic and plot-related episodes, perhaps even better than in Heartcatch. So much that I almost never felt like skipping a single episode. Kirara best girl tho, @Szadek23 knows what's up. Now, Heartcatch will probably always be my favorite season regardless of how many Precure series I end up watching, because this particular show got to me in a way very few series managed to (mahou shoujo or not), but I can say without the shadow of a doubt that Go! Princess possesses just as much substance and is just as much worth the watch.

A 8.5/10 rounded up to a well-deserved 9/10 for this entry.

SapewlothApr 7, 2017 10:10 AM
Proud founder of The Official Anti-Ging Freecss Fan Club Join now!
Kellhus said:
GuusWayne said:
there is a limit to the suspension of disbelief

And it's the fan that did it. Not the smoking porn reading rubik cube genius rape ape with a magic boat.
Apr 10, 2017 7:40 AM

Nov 2011
The reason Haruka's end is left more obscured than that of the others is the same reason the principal didn't write an ending to The Flower Princess. Really nice touch there.

I have to say, in the end I do have to agree with Sapewloth that this was a lot better balanced than Heartcatch Precure! was even though I don't think it quite packed the same overall punch the former had. Every member of the recurring cast was likable in their own way and virtually everyone got development other than Dyspear herself. The message and theme of the show was developed superbly: The storytelling quality of this season was particularly solid despite nothing especially "different" about it, which is to say that a classical style of story still works very, very well when it's executed well, as was this one.

There were some minor nitpicks along the way, but in end I'm filled with an immense sense of satisfaction. Very well done.

I'll definitely look back fondly on this series.
May 4, 2017 2:10 PM

Jul 2010
My first Precure series done and it sure was a ride, not even sure what to expect but it sure was a lot more kickass then I first expected. Even though some of the episodes were better than the others it was still pretty enjoyable with a cast of likable characters and engaging villains (also really like that Close was Cure Flora's first enemy and also her last) with an alright/decent story because I mean it was super cliché but it served it's purpose so overall I'll give it a 8/10.

Looking forward to checking out other Precure titles in the future.
Aug 8, 2018 2:42 AM

Nov 2012
I completed this in the 2 months MAL was down,just sharing my thought.

Great animation,fantastic rivalry dynamic between Close and Haruka,competent/decent enough plot and one of the best ending in the franchise...But one major flaw for me.

The characters,I didn't get attached to the precures in this,which was a first having seen all of the ones that came before this.Every season prior to this even if overall I thought they were worse they had their likeable cast to fall back on so this was disheartening.

Idk I feel like I'll rewatch this again in a few years to give them another shot.
Sep 15, 2018 8:22 PM

Jul 2015
I spent half this episode tearing up and crying, holy shit what an ending.

Flora and Close came to accept that dream and despair go together, you can't end one or the other and this won't change, life is filled with both of them and we must really appreciate the good times for when the bad ones come to us and stay strong in those moments.

The goodbyes broke my heart, I knew I wasn't ready but damn it hurts so much to see them go, their year was filled with all types of emotions and now is time to continue with their dreams, it hurts Q_Q

Fantastic epilogue as well, Yui's book tho! The story of the Precures is there and people in the future will maybe push for the same dream Haruka has due to it, so beautiful, and the end of the episode lead to a scene in the OP, god this is amazing.

Yeah, easy 10/10, honestly I can't think of a single thing this anime did wrong, fantastic start, fantastic middle part, godlike finale, the last 13~ episodes were one amazing episode into another amazing one, I absolutely loved the cast and pushed so much for their dreams, even the villains were great! I'm really going to miss this anime so much.

Jun 5, 2020 6:12 AM

Jan 2019
After two years I finally finish a great anime that thought me I could be a princess too. I've always looked up to flora
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Sep 10, 2020 8:00 PM
Sep 2019
The best way to describe Go Princess is consistent. Even when the writing is the opposite of consistent and is in fact not good (Twilight/Towa’s arc), the animation and presentation is almost enough to make up for it. As a whole, the show is just very high-quality; you can tell the production team was giving it their all to make up for the rut Precure had fallen into at the time. Revisiting the show after a long while puts that into perspective more than it did in 2015, actually. Also despite it having one of the highest episode counts in the series, nothing really felt like filler. Stuff like the donut episode and the makeup one with Shut were all entertaining and didn’t feel like wastes of time.

It’s strange because while the plot was good -for Precure standards- I can’t really say I was attached to the characters. A fan favorite like Kirara was simply meh to me, despite having undeniable development. Despite me not really caring much for the cast, the emotional weight things like Haruka & Kanata’s relationship and Haruka’s tenacity brought to the show are the highlights. Go Princess’ impact and impression on me wasn’t as strong or as lasting as Heartcatch and Hugtto, but it still gets to you and makes you think. It’s clear as to why this season is considered one of the best.
nthcolorSep 11, 2020 7:37 AM
Aug 12, 2021 5:30 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Very emotional finale with touching farewells.

Overall, this was a good season, although the concept of becoming a princess wasn't that interesting. The characters were mostly fine. The boss fights were very good, especially the first big fight with Lock.

Puff, Miss Shamour, Towa, Minami, and Yui were my favorite characters.

It's nice that everyone made their dreams come true:
- Minami became a marine vet.
- Yui became a children's book author.
- Kirara became a professional model.
- Rin-Rin became a model as well.
- Yuuki became a professional tennis player.
- Aroma became a great butler.
- Puff became a better maid.
- Kuroro became a Royal Teacher.
- Shut became a florist or something? That would be a dream job for him. :)

However, things left open with Haruka, but I'm sure she eventually became her ideal princess and had a happy life. That final scene was a little mysterious.

But instead of being the future husband or something, I think Kanata was meant to be more like a mentor to Haruka in her journey of becoming a princess. After all, I think they were just friends with each other. It would have been too cliché for them to become a couple, but that's only my opinion.

P.S. The bond between Aroma and Puff was so heartwarming. ^^

SerafosJun 16, 2024 10:58 PM
Jun 24, 2022 11:05 PM

Feb 2013
What an enjoyable season. If my friend's 8 year-old asked me to introduce her to precure, I'd show her this first, it simply has the perfect formaula for younger children.
I'D rank this in 2nd place right after Heartcatch
Aug 11, 2024 9:52 PM
💉 🩸 🩹 💖 🏥

Feb 2012
This season is absolutely beautiful. Easily the best precure finale for me, personally. Everything from episode 48-50 is pure gold.

The writing was, imho, SO good all the way through out and everything comes full circle. The messages that are portrayed are fantastic as well. Love this one.
"Be the change you wish to see in the world."

Jan 7, 4:39 PM

Dec 2013
At first I thought I wasn't going to enjoy this season with it being princess themed but it is easily the best Precure season I've seen so far, Haruka is the best lead, I appreciate how she always surpassed the challenges and despair by her own willpower and Kanata had nothing to do with it, if anything I like a lot more Haruka x Yuuki ship, the cute companions weren't obnoxious and were genuinely cute and fun, loved their voices, specially Aroma's way of talking, and the way they ended the Flora and Close rivalry was perfect. The villains were threatening and we can't forget the MVP Yui, such a great support character.

Kirara / Cure Twinkle is also one of the prettiest or maybe even the prettiest character in the franchise.

The only complain I have about this series were the OP and EDs, for some reason I didn't vibe with them and didn't grow on me.

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