Is there any info on Kylira's Traveling Healer encounter? Any plans for it to be properly implemented, unless it already is, for players that chose that Charisma Dialogue Choice? Having a roaming free source of food+health sounds great, especially for players that can't afford the extra food-expense while traveling. It'd also be nice if you could later offer to recruit them, if they're told to be a roaming healer.
On a similar note, would it be a good suggestion for Companions like Urka & Alma to be dismissible? Urka's extra food cost seems entirely a redundant handicap for my Pure Hero character, since you only get to Spar & Top her (successfully) in the Roaming variant, while Alma just grabs my food despite living near a town. (The Magic Reversal stuff is nice, NGL, but part of me wishes she also could be sparred with or dismissed to be re-recruited at her Manor.)
Camp Sparring in general would be a nice feature, maybe even duo battles against Urka & Alma?